The options for customizing the corner radius of checkout-related objects. Examples include the primary button, the name text fields and the sections within the main area (if they have borders). Refer to this complete list for objects with customizable corner radii.
The design system defines the corner radius pixel size for each option. Modify the defaults by setting the designSystem.cornerRadius input fields.
Anchor to Valid valuesValid values
- Anchor to BASEBASE•
The corner radius with a pixel value defined by designSystem.cornerRadius.base.
- Anchor to LARGELARGE•
The corner radius with a pixel value defined by designSystem.cornerRadius.large.
- Anchor to NONENONE•
The 0px corner radius (square corners).
- Anchor to SMALLSMALL•
The corner radius with a pixel value defined by designSystem.cornerRadius.small.
Anchor to FieldsFields
The corner radius used for buttons.
The corner radius used for buttons.
The corner radius used for checkboxes.
The corner radius used for checkboxes.
The corner radius used for form controls.
The corner radius used for form controls.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingExpressCheckoutButton.cornerRadiusCheckout•
Branding Express Checkout Button.corner Radius OBJECT The corner radius used for the Express Checkout buttons.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingExpressCheckoutButtonInput.cornerRadiusCheckout•
Branding Express Checkout Button Input.corner Radius INPUT OBJECT The corner radius used for Express Checkout buttons.
The corner radius of the main sections.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingMainSectionInput.cornerRadiusCheckout•
Branding Main Section Input.corner Radius INPUT OBJECT The corner radius of the main sections.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingMerchandiseThumbnail.cornerRadiusCheckout•
Branding Merchandise Thumbnail.corner Radius OBJECT The corner radius used for merchandise thumbnails.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingMerchandiseThumbnailInput.cornerRadiusCheckout•
Branding Merchandise Thumbnail Input.corner Radius INPUT OBJECT The corner radius used for merchandise thumbnails.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingOrderSummarySection.cornerRadiusCheckout•
Branding Order Summary Section.corner Radius OBJECT The corner radius of the order summary sections.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingOrderSummarySectionInput.cornerRadiusCheckout•
Branding Order Summary Section Input.corner Radius INPUT OBJECT The corner radius of the order summary sections.
Fields with this enum
- Checkout
Branding Button.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Checkbox.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Control.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Express Checkout Button.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Main Section.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Merchandise Thumbnail.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Order Summary Section.cornerRadius
Inputs with this enum
- Checkout
Branding Button Input.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Checkbox Input.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Control Input.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Express Checkout Button Input.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Main Section Input.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Merchandise Thumbnail Input.cornerRadius - Checkout
Branding Order Summary Section Input.cornerRadius