Anchor to CheckoutBrandingSimpleBorderCheckout
Possible values for the simple border.
Anchor to Valid valuesValid values
- Anchor to FULLFULL•
The Full simple border.
- Anchor to NONENONE•
The None simple border.
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Anchor to FieldsFields
The border used for buttons.
The border used for buttons.
The border used for form controls.
The border used for form controls.
The border for the main sections.
The border for the main sections.
The border used for merchandise thumbnails.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingMerchandiseThumbnailInput.borderCheckout•
Branding Merchandise Thumbnail Input.border INPUT OBJECT The border used for merchandise thumbnails.
The border for the order summary sections.
- Anchor to CheckoutBrandingOrderSummarySectionInput.borderCheckout•
Branding Order Summary Section Input.border INPUT OBJECT The border for the order summary sections.
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