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Anchor to appPurchaseOneTimeCreate



Charges a shop for features or services one time. This type of charge is recommended for apps that aren't billed on a recurring basis. Test and demo shops aren't charged.


The name of the one-time purchase from the app.


The amount to be charged to the store for the app one-time purchase.


The URL where the merchant is redirected after approving the app one-time purchase.


Whether the app one-time purchase is a test transaction.

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Anchor to AppPurchaseOneTimeCreatePayload returnsAppPurchaseOneTimeCreatePayload returns

The newly created app one-time purchase.

The URL that the merchant can access to approve or decline the newly created app one-time purchase.

If the merchant declines, then the merchant is redirected to the app and receives a notification message stating that the charge was declined. If the merchant approves and they're successfully invoiced, then the state of the charge changes from pending to active.

You get paid after the charge is activated.

The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.

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