Requires access scope.
Represents an issued gift card.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to balancebalance•Money
V2! non-null The gift card's remaining balance.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time at which the gift card was created.
- Anchor to customercustomer•
The customer who will receive the gift card.
- Anchor to enabledenabled•Boolean!non-null
Whether the gift card is enabled.
- Anchor to expiresOnexpires•
On The date at which the gift card will expire.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to initialValueinitial•
Value MoneyV2! non-null The initial value of the gift card.
- Anchor to lastCharacterslast•
Characters String!non-null The final four characters of the gift card code.
- Anchor to maskedCodemasked•
Code String!non-null The gift card code. Everything but the final four characters is masked.
- Anchor to notenote•
The note associated with the gift card, which isn't visible to the customer.
- Anchor to orderorder•
The order associated with the gift card. This value is
if the gift card was issued manually.- Anchor to disabledAtdisabled•
At DateTime Deprecated The date and time at which the gift card was disabled. Use
Fields and connections with this object
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns a gift card resource by ID.
- •query
Returns a list of gift cards.
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Create a gift card.
- •mutation
Update a gift card.
- •mutationDeprecated
Disable a gift card. A disabled gift card cannot be used by a customer. A disabled gift card cannot be re-enabled. Use