A browse, cart, or checkout that was abandoned by a customer.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to abandonedCheckoutPayloadabandoned•
Checkout Payload The abandonment payload for the abandoned checkout.
- Anchor to abandonmentTypeabandonment•
Type AbandonmentAbandonment non-nullType! The abandonment type.
- •App!non-null
The app associated with an abandoned checkout.
- Anchor to cartUrlcart•
Url Permalink to the cart page.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the abandonment was created.
- Anchor to customercustomer•Customer!non-null
The customer who abandoned this event.
- Anchor to customerHasNoDraftOrderSinceAbandonmentcustomer•
Has No Draft Order Since Abandonment Boolean!non-null Whether the customer has a draft order since this abandonment has been abandoned.
- Anchor to customerHasNoOrderSinceAbandonmentcustomer•
Has No Order Since Abandonment Boolean!non-null Whether the customer has completed an order since this checkout has been abandoned.
- Anchor to daysSinceLastAbandonmentEmaildays•
Since Last Abandonment Email Int!non-null The number of days since the last abandonment email was sent to the customer.
- Anchor to emailSentAtemail•
Sent At When the email was sent, if that's the case.
- Anchor to emailStateemail•
State The email state (e.g., sent or not sent).
- Anchor to hoursSinceLastAbandonedCheckouthours•
Since Last Abandoned Checkout The number of hours since the customer has last abandoned a checkout.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to inventoryAvailableinventory•
Available Boolean!non-null Whether the products in abandonment are available.
- Anchor to isFromCustomStorefrontis•
From Custom Storefront Boolean!non-null Whether the abandonment event comes from a custom storefront channel.
- Anchor to isFromOnlineStoreis•
From Online Store Boolean!non-null Whether the abandonment event comes from the Online Store sales channel.
- Anchor to isFromShopAppis•
From Shop App Boolean!non-null Whether the abandonment event comes from the Shop app sales channel.
- Anchor to isFromShopPayis•
From Shop Pay Boolean!non-null Whether the abandonment event comes from Shop Pay.
- Anchor to isMostSignificantAbandonmentis•
Most Significant Abandonment Boolean!non-null Whether the customer didn't complete another most significant step since this abandonment.
- Anchor to lastBrowseAbandonmentDatelast•
Browse Abandonment Date DateTime! non-null The date for the latest browse abandonment.
- Anchor to lastCartAbandonmentDatelast•
Cart Abandonment Date DateTime! non-null The date for the latest cart abandonment.
- Anchor to lastCheckoutAbandonmentDatelast•
Checkout Abandonment Date DateTime! non-null The date for the latest checkout abandonment.
- Anchor to mostRecentStepmost•
Recent Step AbandonmentAbandonment non-nullType! The most recent step type.
- Anchor to productsAddedToCartproducts•
Added To Cart The products added to the cart during the customer abandoned visit.
- Anchor to productsViewedproducts•
Viewed The products viewed during the customer abandoned visit.
- Anchor to visitStartedAtvisit•
Started At The date and time when the visit started.
No referencing types
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns an abandonment by ID.
- •query
Returns an Abandonment by the Abandoned Checkout ID.
Abandonment Queries
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Updates the marketing activities delivery statuses for an abandonment.
- •mutationDeprecated
Updates the email state value for an abandonment. Use