Requires Apps must have access scope.
The object stores information about code discounts
that are managed by an app using
Shopify Functions.
when you need advanced, custom, or
dynamic discount capabilities that aren't supported by
Shopify's native discount types.
Learn more about creating custom discount functionality.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to appDiscountTypeapp•
Discount Type AppDiscount non-nullType! The details about the app extension that's providing the discount type. This information includes the app extension's name and client ID, App Bridge configuration, discount class, function ID, and other metadata about the discount type, including the discount type's name and description.
- Anchor to appliesOncePerCustomerapplies•
Once Per Customer Boolean!non-null Whether a customer can only use the discount once.
- Anchor to asyncUsageCountasync•
Usage Count Int!non-null The number of times that the discount has been used. For example, if a "Buy 3, Get 1 Free" t-shirt discount is automatically applied in 200 transactions, then the discount has been used 200 times. This value is updated asynchronously. As a result, it might be lower than the actual usage count until the asynchronous process is completed.
- Anchor to codescodes•Discount
Redeem non-nullCode Connection! A list codes that customers can use to redeem the discount.
- Anchor to codesCountcodes•
Count The number of codes that a customer can use to redeem the discount.
- Anchor to combinesWithcombines•
With DiscountCombines non-nullWith! The discount classes that you can use in combination with Shopify discount types.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the discount was created.
- Anchor to customerSelectioncustomer•
Selection DiscountCustomer non-nullSelection! The customers that can use the discount.
- Anchor to discountClassdiscount•
Class DiscountClass! non-null The discount class that's used to control how discounts can be combined.
- Anchor to discountIddiscount•
Id ID!non-null The globally-unique ID for the discount.
- Anchor to endsAtends•
At The date and time when the discount expires and is no longer available to customers. For discounts without a fixed expiration date, specify
.- Anchor to errorHistoryerror•
History The error history for the latest version of the discount type that the app provides.
- Anchor to hasTimelineCommenthas•
Timeline Comment Boolean!non-null Whether there are timeline comments associated with the discount.
- Anchor to recurringCycleLimitrecurring•
Cycle Limit The number of billing cycles for which the discount can be applied, which is useful for subscription-based discounts. For example, if you set this field to
, then the discount only applies to the first three billing cycles of a subscription. If you specify0
, then the discount applies indefinitely.- Anchor to shareableUrlsshareable•
Urls [DiscountShareable non-nullUrl!]! A list of URLs that the app can use to share the discount.
- Anchor to startsAtstarts•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the discount becomes active and is available to customers.
- Anchor to statusstatus•Discount
Status! non-null The status of the discount that describes its availability, expiration, or pending activation.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The discount's name that displays to merchants in the Shopify admin and to customers.
- Anchor to totalSalestotal•
Sales The total sales from orders where the discount was used.
- Anchor to updatedAtupdated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the discount was updated.
- Anchor to usageLimitusage•
Limit The maximum number of times that a customer can use the discount. For discounts with unlimited usage, specify
Possible type in
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Creates a code discount. The discount type must be provided by an app extension that uses Shopify Functions. Functions can implement order, product, or shipping discount functions. Use this mutation with Shopify Functions when you need custom logic beyond Shopify's native discount types.
For example, use this mutation to create a code discount using an app's "Volume" discount type that applies a percentage off when customers purchase more than the minimum quantity of a product. For an example implementation, refer to our tutorial.
- •mutation
Updates a code discount, where the discount type is provided by an app extension that uses Shopify Functions. Use this mutation when you need advanced, custom, or dynamic discount capabilities that aren't supported by Shopify's native discount types.