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Requires read_marketing_events access scope.

The marketing activity resource represents marketing that a merchant created through an app.


The URL of the marketing activity listing page in the marketing section.


The amount spent on the marketing activity.


The app which created this marketing activity.


The errors generated when an app publishes the marketing activity.


The allocated budget for the marketing activity.


The date and time when the marketing activity was created.


The completed content in the marketing activity creation form.


The hierarchy level of the marketing activity.


A globally-unique ID.

Anchor to inMainWorkflowVersioninMainWorkflowVersion

Whether the marketing activity is in the main workflow version of the marketing automation.


The marketing activity represents an external marketing activity.

Anchor to marketingChannelTypemarketingChannelType

The medium through which the marketing activity and event reached consumers. This is used for reporting aggregation.


Associated marketing event of this marketing activity.


ID of the parent activity of this marketing activity.


ID of the parent activity of this marketing activity.


A contextual description of the marketing activity based on the platform and tactic used.


The current state of the marketing activity.


The severity of the marketing activity's status.


The rendered status of the marketing activity.

Anchor to statusTransitionedAtstatusTransitionedAt

The date and time when the activity's status last changed.


The method of marketing used for this marketing activity.


The status to which the marketing activity is currently transitioning.


The marketing activity's title, which is rendered on the marketing listing page.


The date and time when the marketing activity was updated.


The value portion of the URL query parameter used in attributing sessions to this activity.


The set of Urchin Tracking Module used in the URL for tracking this marketing activity.

deprecated fields Deprecated

The medium through which the marketing activity and event reached consumers. This is used for reporting aggregation. Use marketingChannelType instead.


The severity of the marketing activity's status. Use statusBadgeTypeV2 instead.

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A list of marketing activities associated with the marketing app.


Returns a MarketingActivity resource by ID.

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Create new marketing activity.


Creates a new external marketing activity.


Updates a marketing activity with the latest information.


Update an external marketing activity.


Creates a new external marketing activity or updates an existing one. When optional fields are absent or null, associated information will be removed from an existing marketing activity.

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