Requires access scope.
Represents actions that market a merchant's store or products.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- •App!non-null
The app that the marketing event is attributed to.
- Anchor to channelHandlechannel•
Handle The unique string identifier of the channel to which this activity belongs. For the correct handle for your channel, contact your partner manager.
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•
A human-readable description of the marketing event.
- Anchor to endedAtended•
At The date and time when the marketing event ended.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to legacyResourceIdlegacy•
Resource Id UnsignedInt64! non-null The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.
- Anchor to manageUrlmanage•
Url The URL where the marketing event can be managed.
- Anchor to marketingChannelTypemarketing•
Channel Type The medium through which the marketing activity and event reached consumers. This is used for reporting aggregation.
- Anchor to previewUrlpreview•
Url The URL where the marketing event can be previewed.
- Anchor to remoteIdremote•
Id An optional ID that helps Shopify validate engagement data.
- Anchor to scheduledToEndAtscheduled•
To End At The date and time when the marketing event is scheduled to end.
- Anchor to sourceAndMediumsource•
And Medium String!non-null Where the
occurred and what kind of content was used. Because
are often used interchangeably, this is based on a combination of
, and
to provide a consistent representation for any given piece of marketing regardless of the app that created it.- Anchor to startedAtstarted•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the marketing event started.
- Anchor to typetype•Marketing
Tactic! non-null The marketing event type.
- Anchor to utmCampaignutm•
Campaign The name of the marketing campaign.
- Anchor to utmMediumutm•
Medium The medium that the marketing campaign is using. Example values:
.- Anchor to utmSourceutm•
Source The referrer of the marketing event. Example values:
Fields and connections with this object
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns a MarketingEvent resource by ID.
- •query
A list of marketing events associated with the marketing app.