Requires Apps must have access scope.
The details about the app extension that's providing the discount type. This information includes the app extension's name and client ID, App Bridge configuration, discount class, function ID, and other metadata about the discount type, including the discount type's name and description.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- •App!non-null
The name of the app extension that's providing the discount type.
- Anchor to appBridgeapp•
Bridge FunctionsApp non-nullBridge! The App Bridge configuration for the discount type.
- Anchor to appKeyapp•
Key String!non-null The client ID of the app extension that's providing the discount type.
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•
A description of the discount type provided by the app extension.
- Anchor to functionIdfunction•
Id String!non-null The function ID associated with the app extension providing the discount type.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The name of the discount type that the app extension is providing.
Fields with this object
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
An app discount type.
- •query
A list of app discount types installed by apps.