Anchor to companyLocationTaxSettingsUpdatecompany
Requires access scope or
access scope. Also: The API client must be installed on a Shopify Plus store.
Sets the tax settings for a company location.
Anchor to Arguments
- Anchor to companyLocationIdcompany•
Location Id ID!required The ID of the company location that the tax settings get assigned to.
- Anchor to exemptionsToAssignexemptions•
To Assign The list of tax exemptions to assign to the company location.
- Anchor to exemptionsToRemoveexemptions•
To Remove The list of tax exemptions to remove from the company location.
- Anchor to taxExempttax•
Exempt Whether the location is exempt from taxes.
- Anchor to taxRegistrationIdtax•
Registration Id The unique tax registration ID for the company location.
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Anchor to CompanyLocationTaxSettingsUpdatePayload returnsCompanyLocationTaxSettingsUpdatePayload returns
- Anchor to companyLocationcompany•
Location The company location with the updated tax settings.
- Anchor to userErrorsuser•
Errors [BusinessCustomer non-nullUser Error!]! The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.
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Mutation Reference
mutation companyLocationTaxSettingsUpdate($companyLocationId: ID!, $exemptionsToAssign: [TaxExemption!], $exemptionsToRemove: [TaxExemption!], $taxExempt: Boolean, $taxRegistrationId: String) {
companyLocationTaxSettingsUpdate(companyLocationId: $companyLocationId, exemptionsToAssign: $exemptionsToAssign, exemptionsToRemove: $exemptionsToRemove, taxExempt: $taxExempt, taxRegistrationId: $taxRegistrationId) {
companyLocation {
# CompanyLocation fields
userErrors {
"companyLocationId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"exemptionsToAssign": [
"exemptionsToRemove": [
"taxExempt": true,
"taxRegistrationId": "<your-taxRegistrationId>"
"companyLocationId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"exemptionsToAssign": [
"exemptionsToRemove": [
"taxExempt": true,
"taxRegistrationId": "<your-taxRegistrationId>"