# abandonment - admin - QUERY Version: 2025-01 ## Description Returns an abandonment by ID. ### Access Scopes ## Arguments * [id](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/ID): ID! - The ID of the `Abandonment` to return. ## Returns * [abandonedCheckoutPayload](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/objects/AbandonedCheckout): AbandonedCheckout The abandonment payload for the abandoned checkout. * [abandonmentType](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/enums/AbandonmentAbandonmentType): AbandonmentAbandonmentType! The abandonment type. * [app](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/objects/App): App! The app associated with an abandoned checkout. * [cartUrl](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/URL): URL Permalink to the cart page. * [createdAt](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime! The date and time when the abandonment was created. * [customer](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/objects/Customer): Customer! The customer who abandoned this event. * [customerHasNoDraftOrderSinceAbandonment](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the customer has a draft order since this abandonment has been abandoned. * [customerHasNoOrderSinceAbandonment](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the customer has completed an order since this checkout has been abandoned. * [daysSinceLastAbandonmentEmail](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Int): Int! The number of days since the last abandonment email was sent to the customer. * [emailSentAt](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime When the email was sent, if that's the case. * [emailState](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/enums/AbandonmentEmailState): AbandonmentEmailState The email state (e.g., sent or not sent). * [hoursSinceLastAbandonedCheckout](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Float): Float The number of hours since the customer has last abandoned a checkout. * [id](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/ID): ID! A globally-unique ID. * [inventoryAvailable](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the products in abandonment are available. * [isFromCustomStorefront](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the abandonment event comes from a custom storefront channel. * [isFromOnlineStore](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the abandonment event comes from the Online Store sales channel. * [isFromShopApp](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the abandonment event comes from the Shop app sales channel. * [isFromShopPay](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the abandonment event comes from Shop Pay. * [isMostSignificantAbandonment](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! Whether the customer didn't complete another most significant step since this abandonment. * [lastBrowseAbandonmentDate](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime! The date for the latest browse abandonment. * [lastCartAbandonmentDate](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime! The date for the latest cart abandonment. * [lastCheckoutAbandonmentDate](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime! The date for the latest checkout abandonment. * [mostRecentStep](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/enums/AbandonmentAbandonmentType): AbandonmentAbandonmentType! The most recent step type. * [visitStartedAt](/docs/api/admin/2025-01/scalars/DateTime): DateTime The date and time when the visit started. ## Examples