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Anchor to customerSegmentMembers



The list of members, such as customers, that's associated with an individual segment. The maximum page size is 1000.

Anchor to Arguments

CustomerSegmentMemberConnection arguments


The elements that come after the specified cursor.

The elements that come before the specified cursor.

The first n elements from the paginated list.

The last n elements from the paginated list.

The query that's used to filter the members. The query is composed of a combination of conditions on facts about customers such as email_subscription_status = 'SUBSCRIBED' with this syntax.

The ID of the segment members query.


Reverse the order of the list. The sorting behaviour defaults to ascending order.

The ID of the segment.

Sort the list by a given key.

The timezone that's used to interpret relative date arguments. The timezone defaults to UTC if the timezone isn't provided.

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A list of edges.


An object that’s used to retrieve cursor information about the current page.

The statistics for a given segment.


The total number of members in a given segment.

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