The paginated list of deletion events. Use events
DeletionEventConnection arguments
- Anchor to afterafter•
The elements that come after the specified cursor.
- Anchor to beforebefore•
The elements that come before the specified cursor.
- Anchor to firstfirst•
The first
elements from the paginated list.- Anchor to lastlast•
The last
elements from the paginated list.- Anchor to queryquery•
A filter made up of terms, connectives, modifiers, and comparators. You can apply one or more filters to a query. Learn more about Shopify API search syntax.
- Anchor to reversereverse•BooleanDefault:false
Reverse the order of the underlying list.
- Anchor to sortKeysort•
Key DeletionEvent Default:IDSort Keys Sort the underlying list using a key. If your query is slow or returns an error, then try specifying a sort key that matches the field used in the search.
- Anchor to subjectTypessubject•
Types List of subject types to filter by.
Anchor to Possible returnsPossible returns
- Anchor to edgesedges•[Deletion
Event non-nullEdge!]! The connection between the node and its parent. Each edge contains a minimum of the edge's cursor and the node.
- Anchor to nodesnodes•[Deletion
Event!]! non-null A list of nodes that are contained in DeletionEventEdge. You can fetch data about an individual node, or you can follow the edges to fetch data about a collection of related nodes. At each node, you specify the fields that you want to retrieve.
- Anchor to pageInfopage•
Info PageInfo! non-null An object that’s used to retrieve cursor information about the current page.