Anchor to CustomerJourneyCustomer
Requires access scope or
access scope.
Represents a customer's visiting activities on a shop's online store.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to customerOrderIndexcustomer•
Order Index Int!non-null The position of the current order within the customer's order history.
- Anchor to daysToConversiondays•
To Conversion Int!non-null The amount of days between first session and order creation date. First session represents first session since the last order, or first session within the 30 day attribution window, if more than 30 days has passed since the last order.
- Anchor to firstVisitfirst•
Visit CustomerVisit! non-null The customer's first session going into the shop.
- Anchor to lastVisitlast•
Visit The last session before an order is made.
- Anchor to momentsmoments•[Customer
Moment!]! non-null Events preceding a customer order, such as shop sessions.
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