Basic events chronicle resource activities such as the creation of an article, the fulfillment of an order, or the addition of a product.
General events
Action | Description |
create | The item was created. |
destroy | The item was destroyed. |
published | The item was published. |
unpublished | The item was unpublished. |
update | The item was updated. |
Order events
Order events can be divided into the following categories:
- Authorization: Includes whether the authorization succeeded, failed, or is pending.
- Capture: Includes whether the capture succeeded, failed, or is pending.
- Email: Includes confirmation or cancellation of the order, as well as shipping.
- Fulfillment: Includes whether the fulfillment succeeded, failed, or is pending. Also includes cancellation, restocking, and fulfillment updates.
- Order: Includess the placement, confirmation, closing, re-opening, and cancellation of the order.
- Refund: Includes whether the refund succeeded, failed, or is pending.
- Sale: Includes whether the sale succeeded, failed, or is pending.
- Void: Includes whether the void succeeded, failed, or is pending.
Action | Message | Description |
| The customer, unsuccessfully, tried to authorize: . | Authorization failed. The funds cannot be captured. |
| Authorization for is pending. | Authorization pending. |
| The customer successfully authorized us to capture: . | Authorization was successful and the funds are available for capture. |
cancelled | Order was cancelled by . | The order was cancelled. |
| We failed to capture: . | The capture failed. The funds cannot be transferred to the shop. |
| Capture for is pending. | The capture is in process. The funds are not yet available to the shop. |
| We successfully captured:
| The capture was successful and the funds are now available to the shop. |
closed | Order was closed. | The order was closed. |
confirmed | Received a new order: by . | The order was confirmed. |
| We cancelled from being fulfilled by the third party fulfillment service. | Fulfillment for one or more of the line_items failed. |
| We submitted to the third party service. | One or more of the line_items has been assigned to a third party service for fulfillment. |
| We successfully fulfilled line_items. | Fulfillment was successful for one or more line_items. |
| email was sent to the customer. | An email was sent to the customer. |
placed | Order was placed. | An order was placed by the customer. |
| Order was re-opened. | An order was re-opened. |
| We failed to refund . | The refund failed. The funds are still with the shop. |
| Refund of is still pending. | The refund is in process. The funds are still with shop. |
| We successfully refunded . | The refund was successful. The funds have been transferred to the customer. |
| We restocked . | One or more of the order's line items have been restocked. |
| The customer failed to pay . | The sale failed. The funds are not available to the shop. |
| The is pending. | The sale is in process. The funds are not yet available to the shop. |
| We successfully captured . | The sale was successful. The funds are now with the shop. |
update | was updated. | The order was updated. |
| We failed to void the authorization. | Voiding the authorization failed. The authorization is still valid. |
| Authorization void is pending. | Voiding the authorization is in process. The authorization is still valid. |
| We successfully voided the authorization. | Voiding the authorization was successful. The authorization is no longer valid. |
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to actionaction•String!non-null
The action that occured.
- Anchor to additionalContentadditional•
Content Provides additional content for collapsible timeline events.
- Anchor to additionalDataadditional•
Data Provides additional data for event consumers.
- Anchor to appTitleapp•
Title The name of the app that created the event.
- Anchor to argumentsarguments•
Refers to a certain event and its resources.
- Anchor to attributeToAppattribute•
To App Boolean!non-null Whether the event was created by an app.
- Anchor to attributeToUserattribute•
To User Boolean!non-null Whether the event was caused by an admin user.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the event was created.
- Anchor to criticalAlertcritical•
Alert Boolean!non-null Whether the event is critical.
- Anchor to hasAdditionalContenthas•
Additional Content Boolean!non-null Whether this event has additional content.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to messagemessage•Formatted
String! non-null Human readable text that describes the event.
- Anchor to secondaryMessagesecondary•
Message Human readable text that supports the event message.
- Anchor to subjectsubject•
The resource that generated the event. To see a list of possible types, refer to HasEvents.
- Anchor to subjectIdsubject•
Id ID!non-null The ID of the resource that generated the event.
- Anchor to subjectTypesubject•
Type EventSubject non-nullType! The type of the resource that generated the event.
No referencing types