CustomerCreditCard - admin-graphql - OBJECT
Version: 2025-01
Represents a card instrument for customer payment method.
Access Scopes
`read_customers` access scope. Also: Requires `read_customer_payment_methods` scope.
billingAddress :
CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress -
The billing address of the card.
brand :
String! -
The brand of the card.
expiresSoon :
Boolean! -
Whether the card is about to expire.
expiryMonth :
Int! -
The expiry month of the card.
expiryYear :
Int! -
The expiry year of the card.
firstDigits :
String -
The card's BIN number.
isRevocable :
Boolean! -
The payment method can be revoked if there are no active subscription contracts.
lastDigits :
String! -
The last 4 digits of the card.
maskedNumber :
String! -
The masked card number with only the last 4 digits displayed.
name :
String! -
The name of the card holder.
source :
String -
The source of the card if coming from a wallet such as Apple Pay.
virtualLastDigits :
String -
The last 4 digits of the Device Account Number.
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Choose a version: Unstable 2025-04 release candidate 2025-01 latest 2024-10 2024-07 2024-04
Requires read_customers
access scope. Also: Requires read_customer_payment_methods
Represents a card instrument for customer payment method.
The billing address of the card.
Whether the card is about to expire.
The expiry month of the card.
The expiry year of the card.
The payment method can be revoked if there are no active subscription contracts.
The last 4 digits of the card.
The masked card number with only the last 4 digits displayed.
The name of the card holder.
The source of the card if coming from a wallet such as Apple Pay.
The last 4 digits of the Device Account Number.
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