Requires access scope.
Creates or updates a delivery promise provider. Currently restricted to select approved delivery promise partners.
- Anchor to activeactive•
Whether the delivery promise provider is active. Defaults to
when creating a provider.- Anchor to fulfillmentDelayfulfillment•
Delay The number of seconds to add to the current time as a buffer when looking up delivery promises. Represents how long the shop requires before releasing an order to the fulfillment provider.
- Anchor to locationIdlocation•
Id ID!required The ID of the location that will be associated with the delivery promise provider.
- Anchor to timeZonetime•
Zone The time zone to be used for interpreting day of week and cutoff times in delivery schedules when looking up delivery promises. Defaults to
when creating a provider.
Anchor to DeliveryPromiseProviderUpsertPayload returnsDeliveryPromiseProviderUpsertPayload returns
- Anchor to deliveryPromiseProviderdelivery•
Promise Provider The created or updated delivery promise provider.
- Anchor to userErrorsuser•
Errors The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.
Mutation Reference
"active": true,
"fulfillmentDelay": 1,
"locationId": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"timeZone": "<your-timeZone>"