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Anchor to fulfillmentServiceUpdate



Requires write_fulfillments access scope. Also: The user must have fulfill_and_ship_orders permission.

Updates a fulfillment service.

If you are using API version 2023-10 or later, and you need to update the location managed by the fulfillment service (for example, to change the address of a fulfillment service), use the LocationEdit mutation.

The URL to send requests for the fulfillment service. The following considerations apply:

  • Shopify queries the callback_url/fetch_tracking_numbers endpoint to retrieve tracking numbers for orders, if trackingSupport is set to true.
  • Shopify queries the callback_url/fetch_stock endpoint to retrieve inventory levels, if inventoryManagement is set to true.
  • Shopify uses the callback_url/fulfillment_order_notification endpoint to send fulfillment and cancellation requests.

The id of the fulfillment service.

Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify.

The name of the fulfillment service.

Whether the fulfillment service provides tracking numbers for packages.

deprecated arguments Deprecated
Anchor to fulfillmentOrdersOptInfulfillmentOrdersOptIn

Whether the fulfillment service uses the fulfillment order based workflow for managing fulfillments.

As of 2022-07 API version, the fulfillment order based workflow is the only way to manage fulfillments, and true is the only valid value for fulfillmentOrdersOptIn. Migration period has ended.


Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. The non-SKU sharing fulfillment services are now deprecated. In the next version, this argument will be removed and all new fulfillment services will support SKU sharing by default.

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Anchor to FulfillmentServiceUpdatePayload returnsFulfillmentServiceUpdatePayload returns

The updated fulfillment service.

The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.

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