# TenderTransaction - admin - OBJECT
Version: unstable

## Description
A TenderTransaction represents a transaction with financial impact on a shop's balance sheet. A tender transaction always
represents actual money movement between a buyer and a shop. TenderTransactions can be used instead of OrderTransactions
for reconciling a shop's cash flow. A TenderTransaction is immutable once created.

### Access Scopes
`read_orders` access scope.

## Fields
* [amount](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The amount and currency of the tender transaction.
* [id](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/ID): ID! - A globally-unique ID.
* [order](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/Order): Order - The order that's related to the tender transaction. This value is null if the order has been deleted.
* [paymentMethod](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String - Information about the payment method used for the transaction.
* [processedAt](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/DateTime): DateTime - Date and time when the transaction was processed.
* [remoteReference](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String - The remote gateway reference associated with the tender transaction.
* [test](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the transaction is a test transaction.
* [transactionDetails](/docs/api/admin/unstable/unions/TenderTransactionDetails): TenderTransactionDetails - Information about the payment instrument used for the transaction.
* [user](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/StaffMember): StaffMember - The staff member who performed the transaction.

## Connections

## Related queries
* [tenderTransactions](/docs/api/admin/unstable/queries/tenderTransactions) Returns a list of TenderTransactions associated with the shop.

## Related mutations

## Related Unions

## Examples