# CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem - admin - OBJECT
Version: unstable

## Description
The calculated line item for a draft order.

### Access Scopes
`read_draft_orders` access scope.

## Fields
* [appliedDiscount](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/DraftOrderAppliedDiscount): DraftOrderAppliedDiscount - The custom applied discount.
* [approximateDiscountedUnitPriceSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The `discountedTotal` divided by `quantity`,
equal to the average value of the line item price per unit after discounts are applied.
This value doesn't include discounts applied to the entire draft order.
* [bundleComponents](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem): CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem! - The bundle components of the draft order line item.
* [components](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem): CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem! - The components of the draft order line item.
* [custom](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the line item is custom (`true`) or contains a product variant (`false`).
* [customAttributes](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/Attribute): Attribute! - A list of attributes that represent custom features or special requests.
* [customAttributesV2](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/TypedAttribute): TypedAttribute! - The list of additional information (metafields) with the associated types.
* [discountedTotal](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The total price with discounts applied.
* [discountedTotalSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The total price with discounts applied.
* [discountedUnitPrice](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The unit price with discounts applied.
* [discountedUnitPriceSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The unit price with discounts applied.
* [fulfillmentService](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/FulfillmentService): FulfillmentService - Name of the service provider who fulfilled the order.

Valid values are either **manual** or the name of the provider.
For example, **amazon**, **shipwire**.

Deleted fulfillment services will return null.
* [image](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/Image): Image - The image associated with the draft order line item.
* [isGiftCard](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the line item represents the purchase of a gift card.
* [merchandiseSource](/docs/api/admin/unstable/enums/DraftOrderLineItemMerchandiseSourceType): DraftOrderLineItemMerchandiseSourceType! - The source of the line item's merchandise information.
* [name](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String! - The name of the product.
* [originalTotal](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The total price, excluding discounts, equal to the original unit price multiplied by quantity.
* [originalTotalSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The total price excluding discounts, equal to the original unit price multiplied by quantity.
* [originalUnitPrice](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The line item price without any discounts applied.
* [originalUnitPriceSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The price without any discounts applied.
* [originalUnitPriceWithCurrency](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2 - The original custom line item input price.
* [priceOverride](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2 - The price override for the line item.
* [product](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/Product): Product - The product for the line item.
* [quantity](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Int): Int! - The quantity of items. For a bundle item, this is the quantity of bundles,
not the quantity of items contained in the bundles themselves.
* [requiresShipping](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether physical shipping is required for the variant.
* [sku](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String - The SKU number of the product variant.
* [taxable](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the variant is taxable.
* [title](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String! - The title of the product or variant. This field only applies to custom line items.
* [totalDiscount](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyV2): MoneyV2! - The total value of the discount.
* [totalDiscountSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The total discount amount.
* [uuid](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String! - The UUID of the draft order line item. Must be unique and consistent across requests.
This field is mandatory in order to manipulate drafts with bundles.
* [variant](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/ProductVariant): ProductVariant - The product variant for the line item.
* [variantId](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/ID): ID - The ID of the variant associated with the line item. Will still be returned even if the variant has been
deleted since the draft was created or last updated.
* [variantTitle](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String - The name of the variant.
* [vendor](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/String): String - The name of the vendor who created the product variant.
* [weight](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/Weight): Weight - The weight unit and value.

## Connections

## Related queries

## Related mutations

## Related Unions
* [DraftOrderPlatformDiscountAllocationTarget](/docs/api/admin/unstable/unions/DraftOrderPlatformDiscountAllocationTarget) The element of the draft being discounted.

## Examples