# RefundLineItem - admin - OBJECT
Version: unstable

## Description
A line item that's included in a refund.

### Access Scopes
`read_orders` access scope or `read_marketplace_orders` access scope.

## Fields
* [id](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/ID): ID - A globally-unique ID.
* [lineItem](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/LineItem): LineItem! - The `LineItem` resource associated to the refunded line item.
* [location](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/Location): Location - The inventory restock location.
* [price](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Money): Money! - The price of a refunded line item.
* [priceSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The price of a refunded line item in shop and presentment currencies.
* [quantity](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Int): Int! - The quantity of a refunded line item.
* [restockType](/docs/api/admin/unstable/enums/RefundLineItemRestockType): RefundLineItemRestockType! - The type of restock for the refunded line item.
* [restocked](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Boolean): Boolean! - Whether the refunded line item was restocked. Not applicable in the context of a SuggestedRefund.
* [subtotal](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Money): Money! - The subtotal price of a refunded line item.
* [subtotalSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The subtotal price of a refunded line item in shop and presentment currencies.
* [totalTax](/docs/api/admin/unstable/scalars/Money): Money! - The total tax charged on a refunded line item.
* [totalTaxSet](/docs/api/admin/unstable/objects/MoneyBag): MoneyBag! - The total tax charged on a refunded line item in shop and presentment currencies.

## Connections

## Related queries

## Related mutations

## Related Unions

## Examples