String! -
The localized reason for the fulfillment hold for display purposes.
String -
An identifier an app can use to reference one of many holds it applied to a fulfillment order.
This field must be unique among the holds that a single app applies to a single fulfillment order.
App -
The app that created the fulfillment hold.
Boolean! -
A boolean value that indicates whether the requesting app created the fulfillment hold.
FulfillmentHoldReason! -
The reason for the fulfillment hold.
String -
Additional information about the fulfillment hold reason.
Related queries
Related mutations
Applies a fulfillment hold on a fulfillment order.
As of the
[2025-01 API version](https://shopify.dev/changelog/apply-multiple-holds-to-a-single-fulfillment-order),
the mutation can be successfully executed on fulfillment orders that are already on hold.
To place multiple holds on a fulfillment order, apps need to supply the
field. Each app can place up to
10 active holds
per fulfillment order. If an app attempts to place more than this, the mutation will return
[a user error indicating that the limit has been reached](https://shopify.dev/api/admin-graphql/latest/enums/FulfillmentOrderHoldUserErrorCode#value-fulfillmentorderholdlimitreached).
The app would need to release one of its existing holds before being able to apply a new one.