A Shopify application.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to apiKeyapi•
Key String!non-null A unique application API identifier.
- Anchor to appStoreAppUrlapp•
Store App Url App store page URL of the app.
- Anchor to appStoreDeveloperUrlapp•
Store Developer Url App store page URL of the developer who created the app.
- Anchor to availableAccessScopesavailable•
Access Scopes [AccessScope!]! non-null All requestable access scopes available to the app.
- Anchor to bannerbanner•Image!non-null
Banner image for the app.
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•
Description of the app.
- Anchor to developerNamedeveloper•
Name The name of the app developer.
- Anchor to developerTypedeveloper•
Type AppDeveloper non-nullType! The type of app developer.
- Anchor to embeddedembedded•Boolean!non-null
Whether the app uses the Embedded App SDK.
- Anchor to failedRequirementsfailed•
Requirements [FailedRequirement!]! non-null Requirements that must be met before the app can be installed.
- Anchor to featuresfeatures•[String!]!non-null
A list of app features that are shown in the Shopify App Store listing.
- Anchor to feedbackfeedback•
Feedback from this app about the store.
- Anchor to handlehandle•
Handle of the app.
- Anchor to iconicon•Image!non-null
Icon that represents the app.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to installationinstallation•
Corresponding AppInstallation for this shop and App. Returns null if the App is not installed.
- Anchor to installUrlinstall•
Url Webpage where you can install the app.
- Anchor to isPostPurchaseAppInUseis•
Post Purchase App In Use Boolean!non-null Whether the app is the post purchase app in use.
- Anchor to optionalAccessScopesoptional•
Access Scopes [AccessScope!]! non-null The optional scopes requested by the app. Lists the optional access scopes the app has declared in its configuration. These scopes are optionally requested by the app after installation.
- Anchor to previouslyInstalledpreviously•
Installed Boolean!non-null Whether the app was previously installed on the current shop.
- Anchor to pricingDetailspricing•
Details Detailed information about the app pricing.
- Anchor to pricingDetailsSummarypricing•
Details Summary String!non-null Summary of the app pricing details.
- Anchor to privacyPolicyUrlprivacy•
Policy Url Link to app privacy policy.
- Anchor to publicCategorypublic•
Category AppPublic non-nullCategory! The public category for the app.
- Anchor to publishedpublished•Boolean!non-null
Whether the app is published to the Shopify App Store.
- Anchor to requestedAccessScopesrequested•
Access Scopes [AccessScope!]! non-null The access scopes requested by the app. Lists the access scopes the app has declared in its configuration. Merchant must grant approval to these scopes for the app to be installed.
- Anchor to screenshotsscreenshots•[Image!]!non-null
Screenshots of the app.
- Anchor to shopifyDevelopedshopify•
Developed Boolean!non-null Whether the app was developed by Shopify.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
Name of the app.
- Anchor to uninstallMessageuninstall•
Message String!non-null Message that appears when the app is uninstalled. For example: By removing this app, you will no longer be able to publish products to MySocialSite or view this app in your Shopify admin. You can re-enable this channel at any time.
- Anchor to webhookApiVersionwebhook•
Api Version String!non-null The webhook API version for the app.
Fields and connections with this object
- Abandonment.app
- AppCatalog.apps
- AppConnection.nodes
- AppDiscountType.app
- AppEdge.node
- AppFeedback.app
- AppInstallation.app
- Channel.app
- ChannelInformation.app
- DiscountRedeemCode.createdBy
- FulfillmentHold.heldByApp
- InventoryAdjustmentGroup.app
- MarketingActivity.app
- MarketingEvent.app
- Metaobject.createdBy
- Metaobject.createdByApp
- MetaobjectDefinition.createdByApp
- OrderAgreement.app
- OrderEditAgreement.app
- OrderRiskAssessment.provider
- PriceRule.app
- PriceRuleDiscountCode.app
- RefundAgreement.app
- ReturnAgreement.app
- SalesAgreement.app
- Shop.availableChannelApps
- ShopifyFunction.app
- SubscriptionBillingCycleEditedContract.app
- SubscriptionContract.app
- SubscriptionContractBase.app
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Lookup an App by ID or return the currently authenticated App.
- •query
Fetches app by handle. Returns null if the app doesn't exist.
- •query
Fetches an app by its client ID. Returns null if the app doesn't exist.