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Represents a resource that can be published to a channel. A publishable resource can be either a Product or Collection.

Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections

Anchor to availablePublicationsCountavailablePublicationsCount

The number of publications that a resource is published to, without feedback errors.

Anchor to publishedOnCurrentPublicationpublishedOnCurrentPublication

Whether the resource is published to the app's publication. For example, the resource might be published to the app's online store channel.

Anchor to publishedOnPublicationpublishedOnPublication

Whether the resource is published to a specified publication.

Anchor to resourcePublicationsresourcePublications

The list of resources that are published to a publication.

Anchor to resourcePublicationsCountresourcePublicationsCount

The number of publications that a resource is published to, without feedback errors.

Anchor to resourcePublicationsV2resourcePublicationsV2

The list of resources that are either published or staged to be published to a publication.

Anchor to unpublishedPublicationsunpublishedPublications

The list of publications that the resource isn't published to.

deprecated fields and connections Deprecated

The number of publications that a resource is published to, without feedback errors. Use resourcePublicationsCount instead.


Whether the resource is published to a specific channel. Use publishedOnPublication instead.

Anchor to publishedOnCurrentChannelpublishedOnCurrentChannel

Whether the resource is published to a channel. For example, the resource might be published to the online store channel. Use publishedOnCurrentPublication instead.


The list of channels that the resource is not published to. Use unpublishedPublications instead.

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Anchor to Types implemented inTypes implemented in

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