Requires access scope or
access scope.
Represents a refund suggested by Shopify based on the items being reimbursed. You can then use the suggested refund object to generate an actual refund.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to amountSetamount•
Set MoneyBag! non-null The total monetary value to be refunded in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to discountedSubtotalSetdiscounted•
Subtotal Set MoneyBag! non-null The sum of all the discounted prices of the line items being refunded.
- Anchor to maximumRefundableSetmaximum•
Refundable Set MoneyBag! non-null The total monetary value available to refund in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to refundDutiesrefund•
Duties [RefundDuty!]! non-null A list of duties to be refunded from the order.
- Anchor to refundLineItemsrefund•
Line Items [RefundLine non-nullItem!]! A list of line items to be refunded, along with restock instructions.
- Anchor to shippingshipping•Shipping
Refund! non-null The shipping costs to be refunded from the order.
- Anchor to subtotalSetsubtotal•
Set MoneyBag! non-null The sum of all the prices of the line items being refunded in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to suggestedTransactionssuggested•
Transactions [SuggestedOrder non-nullTransaction!]! A list of suggested order transactions.
- Anchor to totalCartDiscountAmountSettotal•
Cart Discount Amount Set MoneyBag! non-null The total cart discount amount that was applied to all line items in this refund.
- Anchor to totalDutiesSettotal•
Duties Set MoneyBag! non-null The sum of all the duties being refunded from the order in shop and presentment currencies. The value must be positive.
- Anchor to totalTaxSettotal•
Tax Set MoneyBag! non-null The sum of the taxes being refunded from the order in shop and presentment currencies. The value must be positive.