Anchor to orderEditCommitorder
Requires access scope.
Applies and saves staged changes to an order. Mutations are operating on .
All order edits start with
, have any number of
* mutations made, and end with
Anchor to Arguments
- •ID!required
The ID of the calculated order that will have its changes applied to the order.
- Anchor to notifyCustomernotify•
Customer Whether to notify the customer or not.
- Anchor to staffNotestaff•
Note Note for staff members.
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Anchor to OrderEditCommitPayload returnsOrderEditCommitPayload returns
- Anchor to orderorder•
The order with changes applied.
- Anchor to userErrorsuser•
Errors [UserError!]! non-null The list of errors that occurred from executing the mutation.
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Mutation Reference
mutation orderEditCommit($id: ID!, $notifyCustomer: Boolean, $staffNote: String) {
orderEditCommit(id: $id, notifyCustomer: $notifyCustomer, staffNote: $staffNote) {
order {
# Order fields
userErrors {
"id": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"notifyCustomer": true,
"staffNote": "<your-staffNote>"
"id": "gid://shopify/<objectName>/10079785100",
"notifyCustomer": true,
"staffNote": "<your-staffNote>"