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Card payment details related to a transaction.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to avsResultCodeavs•
Result Code The response code from the address verification system (AVS). The code is always a single letter.
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The issuer identification number (IIN), formerly known as bank identification number (BIN) of the customer's credit card. This is made up of the first few digits of the credit card number.
- Anchor to companycompany•
The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card.
- Anchor to cvvResultCodecvv•
Result Code The response code from the credit card company indicating whether the customer entered the card security code, or card verification value, correctly. The code is a single letter or empty string.
- Anchor to expirationMonthexpiration•
Month The month in which the used credit card expires.
- Anchor to expirationYearexpiration•
Year The year in which the used credit card expires.
- Anchor to namename•
The holder of the credit card.
- Anchor to numbernumber•
The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted.
- Anchor to paymentMethodNamepayment•
Method Name The name of payment method used by the buyer.
- Anchor to walletwallet•
Digital wallet used for the payment.