Requires access scope or
access scope.
Represents individual products and quantities purchased in the associated order.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to contractcontract•
The subscription contract associated with this line item.
- Anchor to currentQuantitycurrent•
Quantity Int!non-null The number of units ordered, excluding refunded and removed units.
- Anchor to customAttributescustom•
Attributes [Attribute!]!non-null A list of attributes that represent custom features or special requests.
- Anchor to discountAllocationsdiscount•
Allocations [DiscountAllocation!]! non-null The discounts that have been allocated to the line item by discount applications, including discounts allocated to refunded and removed quantities.
- Anchor to discountedTotalSetdiscounted•
Total Set MoneyBag! non-null The total discounted price of the line item in shop and presentment currencies, including refunded and removed quantities. This value doesn't include order-level discounts. Code-based discounts aren't included by default.
- Anchor to discountedUnitPriceAfterAllDiscountsSetdiscounted•
Unit Price After All Discounts Set MoneyBag! non-null The approximate unit price of the line item in shop and presentment currencies. This value includes discounts applied to refunded and removed quantities.
- Anchor to discountedUnitPriceSetdiscounted•
Unit Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The approximate unit price of the line item in shop and presentment currencies. This value includes line-level discounts and discounts applied to refunded and removed quantities. It doesn't include order-level or code-based discounts.
- Anchor to dutiesduties•[Duty!]!non-null
The duties associated with the line item.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to imageimage•
The image associated to the line item's variant.
- Anchor to isGiftCardis•
Gift Card Boolean!non-null Whether the line item represents the purchase of a gift card.
- Anchor to lineItemGroupline•
Item Group The line item group associated to the line item.
- Anchor to merchantEditablemerchant•
Editable Boolean!non-null Whether the line item can be edited or not.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The title of the product, optionally appended with the title of the variant (if applicable).
- Anchor to nonFulfillableQuantitynon•
Fulfillable Quantity Int!non-null The total number of units that can't be fulfilled. For example, if items have been refunded, or the item is not something that can be fulfilled, like a tip. Please see the FulfillmentOrder object for more fulfillment details.
- Anchor to originalTotalSetoriginal•
Total Set MoneyBag! non-null In shop and presentment currencies, the total price of the line item when the order was created. This value doesn't include discounts.
- Anchor to originalUnitPriceSetoriginal•
Unit Price Set MoneyBag! non-null In shop and presentment currencies, the unit price of the line item when the order was created. This value doesn't include discounts.
- Anchor to productproduct•
The Product object associated with this line item's variant.
- Anchor to quantityquantity•Int!non-null
The number of units ordered, including refunded and removed units.
- Anchor to refundableQuantityrefundable•
Quantity Int!non-null The number of units ordered, excluding refunded units.
- Anchor to requiresShippingrequires•
Shipping Boolean!non-null Whether physical shipping is required for the variant.
- Anchor to restockablerestockable•Boolean!non-null
Whether the line item can be restocked.
- Anchor to sellingPlanselling•
Plan The selling plan details associated with the line item.
- •
The variant SKU number.
- Anchor to staffMemberstaff•
Member Staff attributed to the line item.
- Anchor to taxabletaxable•Boolean!non-null
Whether the variant is taxable.
- Anchor to taxLinestax•
Lines [TaxLine!]! non-null The taxes charged for the line item, including taxes charged for refunded and removed quantities.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The title of the product at time of order creation.
- Anchor to totalDiscountSettotal•
Discount Set MoneyBag! non-null The total discount allocated to the line item in shop and presentment currencies, including the total allocated to refunded and removed quantities. This value doesn't include order-level discounts.
- Anchor to unfulfilledDiscountedTotalSetunfulfilled•
Discounted Total Set MoneyBag! non-null In shop and presentment currencies, the total discounted price of the unfulfilled quantity for the line item.
- Anchor to unfulfilledOriginalTotalSetunfulfilled•
Original Total Set MoneyBag! non-null In shop and presentment currencies, the total price of the unfulfilled quantity for the line item. This value doesn't include discounts.
- Anchor to unfulfilledQuantityunfulfilled•
Quantity Int!non-null The number of units not yet fulfilled.
- Anchor to variantvariant•
The Variant object associated with this line item.
- Anchor to variantTitlevariant•
Title The title of the variant at time of order creation.
- Anchor to vendorvendor•
The name of the vendor who made the variant.
Fields and connections with this object
- ExchangeLineItem.lineItem
- FulfillmentLineItem.lineItem
- FulfillmentOrderLineItem.lineItem
- GiftCardSale.lineItem
- LineItemConnection.nodes
- LineItemEdge.node
- Order.lineItems
- Order.nonFulfillableLineItems
- OrderStagedChangeDecrementItem.lineItem
- OrderStagedChangeIncrementItem.lineItem
- ProductSale.lineItem
- RefundLineItem.lineItem
- TipSale.lineItem