Fields with this scalar
- Abandoned
Checkout.abandonedCheckoutUrl - Abandonment.cartUrl
- App.appStoreAppUrl
- App.appStoreDeveloperUrl
- App.installUrl
- App.privacyPolicyUrl
- App
Installation.launchUrl - App
Installation.uninstallUrl - App
Subscription.returnUrl - Blog
Feed.location - Bulk
Operation.partialDataUrl - Bulk
Operation.url - Comment
Event Attachment.url - Customer
Accounts V2.url - Customer
Email Address.marketingUnsubscribeUrl - Customer
Email Address.openTrackingUrl - Customer
Visit.landingPage - Customer
Visit.referrerUrl - Delivery
Carrier Service.callbackUrl - Discount
Shareable Url.url - Domain.url
- Draft
Order.invoiceUrl - External
Video.embedUrl - External
Video.originUrl - Fulfillment
Order Supported Action.externalUrl - Fulfillment
Service.callbackUrl - Fulfillment
Tracking Info.url - Generic
File.url - Image.url
- Inventory
Inputs with this scalar
- Delivery
Carrier Service Create Input.callbackUrl - Delivery
Carrier Service Update Input.callbackUrl - Fulfillment
Tracking Input.url - Fulfillment
Tracking Input.urls - Inventory
Scheduled Change Item Input.ledgerDocumentUri - Inventory
Set Scheduled Changes Input.referenceDocumentUri - Marketing
Activity Create External Input.remoteUrl - Marketing
Activity Create External Input.remotePreviewImageUrl - Marketing
Activity Update External Input.remoteUrl - Marketing
Activity Update External Input.remotePreviewImageUrl - Marketing
Activity Upsert External Input.remoteUrl - Marketing
Activity Upsert External Input.remotePreviewImageUrl - Order
Create Order Input.referringSite - Order
Create Order Input.sourceUrl - Reverse
Delivery Label Input.fileUrl - Reverse
Delivery Tracking Input.url - Script
Tag Input.src - Webhook
Subscription Input.callbackUrl
Mutations with this scalar
- app
Purchase One Time Create - app
Subscription Create - fulfillment
Service Create - fulfillment
Service Update - theme
Create - url
Redirect Import Create