Requires the or
Represents a Subscription Line.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to concatenatedOriginContractconcatenated•
Origin Contract The origin contract of the line if it was concatenated from another contract.
- Anchor to currentPricecurrent•
Price MoneyV2! non-null The price per unit for the subscription line in the contract's currency.
- Anchor to customAttributescustom•
Attributes [Attribute!]!non-null List of custom attributes associated to the line item.
- Anchor to discountAllocationsdiscount•
Allocations Discount allocations.
- •ID!non-null
The unique ID.
- Anchor to lineDiscountedPriceline•
Discounted Price MoneyV2! non-null Total line price including all discounts.
- Anchor to pricingPolicypricing•
Policy Describe the price changes of the line over time.
- Anchor to productIdproduct•
Id The product ID associated with the subscription line.
- Anchor to quantityquantity•Int!non-null
The quantity of the unit selected for the subscription line.
- Anchor to requiresShippingrequires•
Shipping Boolean!non-null Whether physical shipping is required for the variant.
- Anchor to sellingPlanIdselling•
Plan Id The selling plan ID associated to the line.
Indicates which selling plan was used to create this contract line initially. The selling plan ID is also used to find the associated delivery profile.
The subscription contract, subscription line, or selling plan might have changed. As a result, the selling plan's attributes might not match the information on the contract.
- Anchor to sellingPlanNameselling•
Plan Name The selling plan name associated to the line. This name describes the order line items created from this subscription line for both merchants and customers.
The value can be different from the selling plan's name, because both the selling plan's name and the subscription line's selling_plan_name attribute can be updated independently.
- •
Variant SKU number of the item associated with the subscription line.
- Anchor to taxabletaxable•Boolean!non-null
Whether the variant is taxable.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
Product title of the item associated with the subscription line.
- Anchor to variantIdvariant•
Id The product variant ID associated with the subscription line.
- Anchor to variantImagevariant•
Image The image associated with the line item's variant or product.
- Anchor to variantTitlevariant•
Title Product variant title of the item associated with the subscription line.
Fields and connections with this object
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Allows for the easy change of a Product in a Contract or a Product price change.
- •mutation
Adds a subscription line to a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Removes a subscription line from a subscription draft.
- •mutation
Updates a subscription line on a subscription draft.