Requires access scope or
access scope.
An order is a customer's request to purchase one or more products from a shop. You can retrieve and update orders using the Order
Learn more about
editing an existing order with the GraphQL Admin API.
Only the last 60 days' worth of orders from a store are accessible from the Order
object by default. If you want to access older orders,
then you need to request access to all orders. If your app is granted
access, then you can add the scope to your app along with
Private apps are not affected by this change and are automatically granted the scope.
Caution: Only use this data if it's required for your app's functionality. Shopify will restrict access to scopes for apps that don't have a legitimate use for the associated data.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to additionalFeesadditional•
Fees [AdditionalFee!]! non-null A list of additional fees applied to the order.
- Anchor to agreementsagreements•Sales
Agreement non-nullConnection! A list of sales agreements associated with the order.
- Anchor to alertsalerts•[Resource
Alert!]! non-null A list of messages that appear on the order page in the Shopify admin.
- •
The application that created the order.
- Anchor to billingAddressbilling•
Address The billing address of the customer.
- Anchor to billingAddressMatchesShippingAddressbilling•
Address Matches Shipping Address Boolean!non-null Whether the billing address matches the shipping address.
- Anchor to cancellationcancellation•
Cancellation details for the order.
- Anchor to cancelledAtcancelled•
At The date and time when the order was canceled. Returns
if the order wasn't canceled.- Anchor to cancelReasoncancel•
Reason The reason provided when the order was canceled. Returns
if the order wasn't canceled.- Anchor to canMarkAsPaidcan•
Mark As Paid Boolean!non-null Whether the order can be manually marked as paid.
- Anchor to canNotifyCustomercan•
Notify Customer Boolean!non-null Whether a customer email exists for the order.
- Anchor to capturablecapturable•Boolean!non-null
Whether payment for the order can be captured.
- Anchor to cartDiscountAmountSetcart•
Discount Amount Set The total order-level discount amount, before returns, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to channelInformationchannel•
Information Details about the channel that created the order.
- Anchor to clientIpclient•
Ip The IP address of the API client that created the order.
- Anchor to closedclosed•Boolean!non-null
Whether the order is closed.
- Anchor to closedAtclosed•
At The date and time when the order was closed. Returns
if the order isn't closed.- Anchor to confirmationNumberconfirmation•
Number A randomly generated alpha-numeric identifier for the order that may be shown to the customer instead of the sequential order name. For example, "XPAV284CT", "R50KELTJP" or "35PKUN0UJ". This value isn't guaranteed to be unique.
- Anchor to confirmedconfirmed•Boolean!non-null
Whether inventory has been reserved for the order.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null Date and time when the order was created in Shopify.
- Anchor to currencyCodecurrency•
Code CurrencyCode! non-null The shop currency when the order was placed.
- Anchor to currentCartDiscountAmountSetcurrent•
Cart Discount Amount Set MoneyBag! non-null The current order-level discount amount after all order updates, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to currentShippingPriceSetcurrent•
Shipping Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The current shipping price after applying refunds and discounts. If the parent
field is true, then this price includes taxes. Otherwise, this field is the pre-tax price.
- Anchor to currentSubtotalLineItemsQuantitycurrent•
Subtotal Line Items Quantity Int!non-null The sum of the quantities for all line items that contribute to the order's current subtotal price.
- Anchor to currentSubtotalPriceSetcurrent•
Subtotal Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If
, then the subtotal also includes tax.- Anchor to currentTaxLinescurrent•
Tax Lines [TaxLine!]! non-null A list of all tax lines applied to line items on the order, after returns. Tax line prices represent the total price for all tax lines with the same
.- Anchor to currentTotalAdditionalFeesSetcurrent•
Total Additional Fees Set The total amount of additional fees after returns, in shop and presentment currencies. Returns
if there are no additional fees for the order.- Anchor to currentTotalDiscountsSetcurrent•
Total Discounts Set MoneyBag! non-null The total amount discounted on the order after returns, in shop and presentment currencies. This includes both order and line level discounts.
- Anchor to currentTotalDutiesSetcurrent•
Total Duties Set The total amount of duties after returns, in shop and presentment currencies. Returns
if duties aren't applicable.- Anchor to currentTotalPriceSetcurrent•
Total Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price of the order, after returns, in shop and presentment currencies. This includes taxes and discounts.
- Anchor to currentTotalTaxSetcurrent•
Total Tax Set MoneyBag! non-null The sum of the prices of all tax lines applied to line items on the order, after returns, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to currentTotalWeightcurrent•
Total Weight UnsignedInt64! non-null The total weight of the order after returns, in grams.
- Anchor to customAttributescustom•
Attributes [Attribute!]!non-null A list of additional merchant-facing details that have been added to the order. For example, whether an order is a customer's first.
- Anchor to customercustomer•
The customer that placed the order.
- Anchor to customerAcceptsMarketingcustomer•
Accepts Marketing Boolean!non-null Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials.
- Anchor to customerJourneySummarycustomer•
Journey Summary The customer's visits and interactions with the online store before placing the order.
- Anchor to customerLocalecustomer•
Locale A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier.
- Anchor to discountApplicationsdiscount•
Applications DiscountApplication non-nullConnection! A list of discounts that are applied to the order, not including order edits and refunds.
- Anchor to discountCodediscount•
Code The discount code used for the order.
- Anchor to discountCodesdiscount•
Codes [String!]!non-null The discount codes used for the order.
- Anchor to displayAddressdisplay•
Address The primary address of the customer. Returns
if neither the shipping address nor the billing address was provided.- Anchor to displayFinancialStatusdisplay•
Financial Status The financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field doesn't capture all the details of an order's financial state. It should only be used for display summary purposes.
- Anchor to displayFulfillmentStatusdisplay•
Fulfillment Status OrderDisplay non-nullFulfillment Status! The fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. For a more granular view of the fulfillment status, refer to the FulfillmentOrder object.
- Anchor to displayRefundStatusdisplay•
Refund Status The status of the refund(s) that can be shown to the merchant. Mostly used when a refund is in a deferred state (i.e. it was not yet sent to the payments provider).
- Anchor to disputesdisputes•[Order
Dispute non-nullSummary!]! A list of the disputes associated with the order.
- Anchor to dutiesIncludedduties•
Included Boolean!non-null Whether duties are included in the subtotal price of the order.
- Anchor to editededited•Boolean!non-null
Whether the order has had any edits applied.
- Anchor to emailemail•
The email address associated with the customer.
- Anchor to estimatedTaxesestimated•
Taxes Boolean!non-null Whether taxes on the order are estimated. This field returns
when taxes on the order are finalized and aren't subject to any changes.- Anchor to eventsevents•Event
Connection! non-null A list of events associated with the order.
- Anchor to fulfillablefulfillable•Boolean!non-null
Whether there are line items that can be fulfilled. This field returns
when the order has no fulfillable line items. For a more granular view of the fulfillment status, refer to the FulfillmentOrder object.- Anchor to fulfillmentOrdersfulfillment•
Orders FulfillmentOrder non-nullConnection! A list of fulfillment orders for a specific order.
FulfillmentOrder API access scopes govern which fulfillments orders are returned. An API client will only receive a subset of the fulfillment orders which belong to an order if they don't have the necessary access scopes to view all of the fulfillment orders. In the case that an API client does not have the access scopes necessary to view any of the fulfillment orders that belong to an order, an empty array will be returned.
- Anchor to fulfillmentsfulfillments•[Fulfillment!]!non-null
List of shipments for the order.
- Anchor to fulfillmentsCountfulfillments•
Count The count of fulfillments including the cancelled fulfillments.
- Anchor to fullyPaidfully•
Paid Boolean!non-null Whether the order has been paid in full.
- Anchor to hasTimelineCommenthas•
Timeline Comment Boolean!non-null Whether the merchant added a timeline comment to the order.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to incotermInformationincoterm•
Information Information about the incoterm used for the order.
- Anchor to legacyResourceIdlegacy•
Resource Id UnsignedInt64! non-null The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.
- Anchor to lineItemsline•
Items LineItem non-nullConnection! A list of the order's line items.
- Anchor to localizedFieldslocalized•
Fields LocalizedField non-nullConnection! List of localized fields for the resource.
- Anchor to merchantBusinessEntitymerchant•
Business Entity BusinessEntity! non-null The merchant's business entity associated with the order.
- Anchor to merchantEditablemerchant•
Editable Boolean!non-null Whether the order can be edited by the merchant. For example, canceled orders can’t be edited.
- Anchor to merchantEditableErrorsmerchant•
Editable Errors [String!]!non-null A list of reasons why the order can't be edited. For example, "Canceled orders can't be edited".
- Anchor to merchantOfRecordAppmerchant•
Of Record App The application acting as the Merchant of Record for the order.
- Anchor to metafieldmetafield•
A custom field, including its
, that's associated with a Shopify resource for the purposes of adding and storing additional information.- Anchor to metafieldsmetafields•Metafield
Connection! non-null A list of custom fields that a merchant associates with a Shopify resource.
- Anchor to metafieldsByIdentifiersmetafields•
By Identifiers [Metafield]!non-null The metafields associated with the resource matching the supplied list of namespaces and keys.
- Anchor to namename•String!non-null
The unique identifier for the order that appears on the order page in the Shopify admin and the Order status page. For example, "#1001", "EN1001", or "1001-A". This value isn't unique across multiple stores.
- Anchor to netPaymentSetnet•
Payment Set MoneyBag! non-null The net payment for the order, based on the total amount received minus the total amount refunded, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to nonFulfillableLineItemsnon•
Fulfillable Line Items LineItem non-nullConnection! A list of line items that can't be fulfilled. For example, tips and fully refunded line items can't be fulfilled. For a more granular view of the fulfillment status, refer to the FulfillmentOrder object.
- Anchor to notenote•
The contents of the note associated with the order.
- Anchor to originalTotalAdditionalFeesSetoriginal•
Total Additional Fees Set The total amount of additional fees at the time of order creation, in shop and presentment currencies. Returns
if additional fees aren't applicable.- Anchor to originalTotalDutiesSetoriginal•
Total Duties Set The total amount of duties at the time of order creation, in shop and presentment currencies. Returns
if duties aren't applicable.- Anchor to originalTotalPriceSetoriginal•
Total Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price of the order at the time of order creation, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to paymentCollectionDetailspayment•
Collection Details OrderPayment non-nullCollection Details! The payment collection details for the order.
- Anchor to paymentGatewayNamespayment•
Gateway Names [String!]!non-null A list of the names of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, "Shopify Payments" and "Cash on Delivery (COD)".
- Anchor to paymentTermspayment•
Terms The payment terms associated with the order.
- Anchor to phonephone•
The phone number associated with the customer.
- Anchor to poNumberpo•
Number The PO number associated with the order.
- Anchor to presentmentCurrencyCodepresentment•
Currency Code CurrencyCode! non-null The payment
of the customer for the order.
- Anchor to processedAtprocessed•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the order was processed. This date and time might not match the date and time when the order was created.
- Anchor to publicationpublication•
The publication that the order was created from.
- Anchor to purchasingEntitypurchasing•
Entity The purchasing entity for the order.
- Anchor to refundablerefundable•Boolean!non-null
Whether the order can be refunded.
- Anchor to refundDiscrepancySetrefund•
Discrepancy Set MoneyBag! non-null The difference between the suggested and actual refund amount of all refunds that have been applied to the order. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchant's favor, and a negative value indicates a difference in the customer's favor.
- Anchor to refundsrefunds•[Refund!]!non-null
A list of refunds that have been applied to the order.
- Anchor to registeredSourceUrlregistered•
Source Url The URL of the source that the order originated from, if found in the domain registry.
- Anchor to requiresShippingrequires•
Shipping Boolean!non-null Whether the order has shipping lines or at least one line item on the order that requires shipping.
- Anchor to restockablerestockable•Boolean!non-null
Whether any line item on the order can be restocked.
- Anchor to retailLocationretail•
Location The physical location where a retail order is created or completed, except for draft POS orders completed via the “mark as paid” flow in Admin, which return null.
- Anchor to returnsreturns•Return
Connection! non-null A list of returns for the order.
- Anchor to returnStatusreturn•
Status OrderReturn non-nullStatus! The order's aggregated return status for display purposes.
- Anchor to riskrisk•Order
Risk non-nullSummary! The risk characteristics for the order.
- Anchor to shippingAddressshipping•
Address The mailing address of the customer.
- Anchor to shippingLineshipping•
Line A summary of all shipping costs on the order.
- Anchor to shippingLinesshipping•
Lines ShippingLine non-nullConnection! A list of the order's shipping lines.
- Anchor to shopifyProtectshopify•
Protect The Shopify Protect details for the order. If Shopify Protect is disabled for the shop, then this will be null.
- Anchor to sourceIdentifiersource•
Identifier A unique POS or third party order identifier. For example, "1234-12-1000" or "111-98567-54". The
field is derived from this value for POS orders.
- Anchor to sourceNamesource•
Name The name of the source associated with the order.
- Anchor to staffMemberstaff•
Member The staff member associated with the order.
- Anchor to statusPageUrlstatus•
Page Url URL!non-null The URL where the customer can check the order's current status.
- Anchor to subtotalLineItemsQuantitysubtotal•
Line Items Quantity Int!non-null The sum of the quantities for all line items that contribute to the order's subtotal price.
- Anchor to subtotalPriceSetsubtotal•
Price Set The sum of the prices for all line items after discounts and before returns, in shop and presentment currencies. If
, then the subtotal also includes tax.- Anchor to suggestedRefundsuggested•
Refund A suggested refund for the order.
- Anchor to tagstags•[String!]!non-null
A comma separated list of tags associated with the order. Updating
overwrites any existing tags that were previously added to the order. To add new tags without overwriting existing tags, use the tagsAdd mutation.- Anchor to taxesIncludedtaxes•
Included Boolean!non-null Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order.
- Anchor to taxExempttax•
Exempt Boolean!non-null Whether taxes are exempt on the order.
- Anchor to taxLinestax•
Lines [TaxLine!]! non-null A list of all tax lines applied to line items on the order, before returns. Tax line prices represent the total price for all tax lines with the same
.- Anchor to testtest•Boolean!non-null
Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. A test order can't be converted into a real order and vice versa.
- Anchor to totalCapturableSettotal•
Capturable Set MoneyBag! non-null The authorized amount that's uncaptured or undercaptured, in shop and presentment currencies. This amount isn't adjusted for returns.
- Anchor to totalCashRoundingAdjustmenttotal•
Cash Rounding Adjustment CashRounding non-nullAdjustment! The total rounding adjustment applied to payments or refunds for an Order involving cash payments. Applies to some countries where cash transactions are rounded to the nearest currency denomination.
- Anchor to totalDiscountsSettotal•
Discounts Set The total amount discounted on the order before returns, in shop and presentment currencies. This includes both order and line level discounts.
- Anchor to totalOutstandingSettotal•
Outstanding Set MoneyBag! non-null The total amount not yet transacted for the order, in shop and presentment currencies. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchant's favor (payment from customer to merchant) and a negative value indicates a difference in the customer's favor (refund from merchant to customer).
- Anchor to totalPriceSettotal•
Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price of the order, before returns, in shop and presentment currencies. This includes taxes and discounts.
- Anchor to totalReceivedSettotal•
Received Set MoneyBag! non-null The total amount received from the customer before returns, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to totalRefundedSettotal•
Refunded Set MoneyBag! non-null The total amount that was refunded, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to totalRefundedShippingSettotal•
Refunded Shipping Set MoneyBag! non-null The total amount of shipping that was refunded, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to totalShippingPriceSettotal•
Shipping Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The total shipping amount before discounts and returns, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to totalTaxSettotal•
Tax Set The total tax amount before returns, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to totalTipReceivedSettotal•
Tip Received Set MoneyBag! non-null The sum of all tip amounts for the order, in shop and presentment currencies.
- Anchor to totalWeighttotal•
Weight The total weight of the order before returns, in grams.
- Anchor to transactionstransactions•[Order
Transaction!]! non-null A list of transactions associated with the order.
- Anchor to transactionsCounttransactions•
Count The number of transactions associated with the order.
- Anchor to unpaidunpaid•Boolean!non-null
Whether no payments have been made for the order.
- Anchor to updatedAtupdated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the order was modified last.
Fields and connections with this object
- CalculatedOrder.originalOrder
- Company.orders
- CompanyContact.orders
- CompanyLocation.orders
- Customer.lastOrder
- Customer.orders
- CustomerMergePreviewDefaultFields.orders
- DraftOrder.order
- Fulfillment.order
- FulfillmentOrder.order
- GiftCard.order
- OrderAgreement.order
- OrderCancelJobResult.order
- OrderConnection.nodes
- OrderEdge.node
- OrderTransaction.order
- PaymentTerms.order
- Refund.order
- Return.order
- ReverseFulfillmentOrder.order
- ShopPayPaymentRequestReceipt.order
- ShopifyPaymentsDispute.order
- SubscriptionBillingAttempt.order
- SubscriptionBillingCycleEditedContract.orders
- SubscriptionContract.originOrder
- SubscriptionContract.orders
- SubscriptionContractBase.orders
- TenderTransaction.order
Possible type in
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns an Order resource by ID.
- •query
Return an order by an identifier.
- •query
Returns a list of orders placed in the store.
Order Queries
Queried by
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Closes an open order.
- •mutation
Creates an order.
- •mutation
Create a manual payment for an order. You can only create a manual payment for an order if it isn't already fully paid.
- •mutation
Applies and saves staged changes to an order. Mutations are operating on
. All order edits start with
, have any number of
* mutations made, and end with
- •mutation
Sends an email invoice for an order.
- •mutation
Marks an order as paid. You can only mark an order as paid if it isn't already fully paid.
- •mutation
Opens a closed order.
- •mutation
Updates the fields of an order.
- •mutation
Creates a refund.
- •mutation
Creates a tax summary for a given order. If both an order ID and a start and end time are provided, the order ID will be used.