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Anchor to CalculatedDraftOrder



Requires read_draft_orders access scope.

The calculated fields for a draft order.

Anchor to acceptAutomaticDiscountsacceptAutomaticDiscounts

Whether or not to accept automatic discounts on the draft order during calculation. If false, only discount codes and custom draft order discounts (see appliedDiscount) will be applied. If true, eligible automatic discounts will be applied in addition to discount codes and custom draft order discounts.


The list of alerts raised while calculating.

Anchor to allVariantPricesOverriddenallVariantPricesOverridden

Whether all variant prices have been overridden.

Anchor to anyVariantPricesOverriddenanyVariantPricesOverridden

Whether any variant prices have been overridden.


The custom order-level discount applied.

Anchor to availableShippingRatesavailableShippingRates

The available shipping rates. Requires a customer with a valid shipping address and at least one line item.

Anchor to billingAddressMatchesShippingAddressbillingAddressMatchesShippingAddress

Whether the billing address matches the shipping address.


The shop currency used for calculation.


The customer who will be sent an invoice.


All discount codes applied.


The list of the line items in the calculated draft order.

Anchor to lineItemsSubtotalPricelineItemsSubtotalPrice

A subtotal of the line items and corresponding discounts, excluding include shipping charges, shipping discounts, taxes, or order discounts.


The assigned phone number.


The list of platform discounts applied.

Anchor to presentmentCurrencyCodepresentmentCurrencyCode

The payment currency used for calculation.


The purchasing entity.


The line item containing the shipping information and costs.


The subtotal, of the line items and their discounts, excluding shipping charges, shipping discounts, and taxes.


Whether the line item prices include taxes.


The list of of taxes lines charged for each line item and shipping line.


Total discounts.

Anchor to totalLineItemsPriceSettotalLineItemsPriceSet

Total price of line items.


The total price, includes taxes, shipping charges, and discounts.

Anchor to totalQuantityOfLineItemstotalQuantityOfLineItems

The sum of individual line item quantities. If the draft order has bundle items, this is the sum containing the quantities of individual items in the bundle.

Anchor to totalShippingPriceSettotalShippingPriceSet

The total shipping price.


The total tax.

Anchor to transformerFingerprinttransformerFingerprint

Fingerprint of the current cart. In order to have bundles work, the fingerprint must be passed to each request as it was previously returned, unmodified.


The list of warnings raised while calculating.

deprecated fields Deprecated

The name of the selected market. This field is now incompatible with Markets.

Anchor to marketRegionCountryCodemarketRegionCountryCode

The selected country code that determines the pricing. This field is now incompatible with Markets.


The subtotal, in shop currency, of the line items and their discounts, excluding shipping charges, shipping discounts, and taxes. Use subtotalPriceSet instead.


The total price, in shop currency, includes taxes, shipping charges, and discounts. Use totalPriceSet instead.


The total shipping price in shop currency. Use totalShippingPriceSet instead.


The total tax in shop currency. Use totalTaxSet instead.

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Calculates the properties of a draft order. Useful for determining information such as total taxes or price without actually creating a draft order.

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