Requires access scope.
The calculated fields for a draft order.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to acceptAutomaticDiscountsaccept•
Automatic Discounts Whether or not to accept automatic discounts on the draft order during calculation. If false, only discount codes and custom draft order discounts (see
) will be applied. If true, eligible automatic discounts will be applied in addition to discount codes and custom draft order discounts.
- Anchor to alertsalerts•[Resource
Alert!]! non-null The list of alerts raised while calculating.
- Anchor to allVariantPricesOverriddenall•
Variant Prices Overridden Boolean!non-null Whether all variant prices have been overridden.
- Anchor to anyVariantPricesOverriddenany•
Variant Prices Overridden Boolean!non-null Whether any variant prices have been overridden.
- Anchor to appliedDiscountapplied•
Discount The custom order-level discount applied.
- Anchor to availableShippingRatesavailable•
Shipping Rates [ShippingRate!]! non-null The available shipping rates. Requires a customer with a valid shipping address and at least one line item.
- Anchor to billingAddressMatchesShippingAddressbilling•
Address Matches Shipping Address Boolean!non-null Whether the billing address matches the shipping address.
- Anchor to currencyCodecurrency•
Code CurrencyCode! non-null The shop currency used for calculation.
- Anchor to customercustomer•
The customer who will be sent an invoice.
- Anchor to discountCodesdiscount•
Codes [String!]!non-null All discount codes applied.
- Anchor to lineItemsline•
Items [CalculatedDraft non-nullOrder Line Item!]! The list of the line items in the calculated draft order.
- Anchor to lineItemsSubtotalPriceline•
Items Subtotal Price MoneyBag! non-null A subtotal of the line items and corresponding discounts, excluding include shipping charges, shipping discounts, taxes, or order discounts.
- Anchor to phonephone•
The assigned phone number.
- Anchor to platformDiscountsplatform•
Discounts [DraftOrder non-nullPlatform Discount!]! The list of platform discounts applied.
- Anchor to presentmentCurrencyCodepresentment•
Currency Code CurrencyCode! non-null The payment currency used for calculation.
- Anchor to purchasingEntitypurchasing•
Entity The purchasing entity.
- Anchor to shippingLineshipping•
Line The line item containing the shipping information and costs.
- Anchor to subtotalPriceSetsubtotal•
Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The subtotal, of the line items and their discounts, excluding shipping charges, shipping discounts, and taxes.
- Anchor to taxesIncludedtaxes•
Included Boolean!non-null Whether the line item prices include taxes.
- Anchor to taxLinestax•
Lines [TaxLine!]! non-null The list of of taxes lines charged for each line item and shipping line.
- Anchor to totalDiscountsSettotal•
Discounts Set MoneyBag! non-null Total discounts.
- Anchor to totalLineItemsPriceSettotal•
Line Items Price Set MoneyBag! non-null Total price of line items.
- Anchor to totalPriceSettotal•
Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The total price, includes taxes, shipping charges, and discounts.
- Anchor to totalQuantityOfLineItemstotal•
Quantity Of Line Items Int!non-null The sum of individual line item quantities. If the draft order has bundle items, this is the sum containing the quantities of individual items in the bundle.
- Anchor to totalShippingPriceSettotal•
Shipping Price Set MoneyBag! non-null The total shipping price.
- Anchor to totalTaxSettotal•
Tax Set MoneyBag! non-null The total tax.
- Anchor to transformerFingerprinttransformer•
Fingerprint Fingerprint of the current cart. In order to have bundles work, the fingerprint must be passed to each request as it was previously returned, unmodified.
- Anchor to warningswarnings•[Draft
Order non-nullWarning!]! The list of warnings raised while calculating.
No referencing types
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Calculates the properties of a draft order. Useful for determining information such as total taxes or price without actually creating a draft order.