Requires the or
Represents a Subscription Contract.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- •
The subscription app that the subscription contract is registered to.
- Anchor to appAdminUrlapp•
Admin Url The URL of the subscription contract page on the subscription app.
- Anchor to billingAttemptsbilling•
Attempts The list of billing attempts associated with the subscription contract.
- Anchor to billingPolicybilling•
Policy SubscriptionBilling non-nullPolicy! The billing policy associated with the subscription contract.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the subscription contract was created.
- Anchor to currencyCodecurrency•
Code CurrencyCode! non-null The currency that's used for the subscription contract.
- Anchor to customAttributescustom•
Attributes [Attribute!]!non-null A list of the custom attributes to be added to the generated orders.
- Anchor to customercustomer•
The customer to whom the subscription contract belongs.
- Anchor to customerPaymentMethodcustomer•
Payment Method The customer payment method that's used for the subscription contract.
- Anchor to deliveryMethoddelivery•
Method The delivery method for each billing of the subscription contract.
- Anchor to deliveryPolicydelivery•
Policy SubscriptionDelivery non-nullPolicy! The delivery policy associated with the subscription contract.
- Anchor to deliveryPricedelivery•
Price MoneyV2! non-null The delivery price for each billing of the subscription contract.
- Anchor to discountsdiscounts•
The list of subscription discounts associated with the subscription contract.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to lastBillingAttemptErrorTypelast•
Billing Attempt Error Type The last billing error type of the contract.
- Anchor to lastPaymentStatuslast•
Payment Status The current status of the last payment.
- Anchor to lineslines•Subscription
Line non-nullConnection! The list of subscription lines associated with the subscription contract.
- Anchor to linesCountlines•
Count The number of lines associated with the subscription contract.
- Anchor to nextBillingDatenext•
Billing Date The next billing date for the subscription contract. This field is managed by the apps. Alternatively you can utilize our Billing Cycles APIs, which provide auto-computed billing dates and additional functionalities.
- Anchor to notenote•
The note field that will be applied to the generated orders.
- Anchor to ordersorders•Order
Connection! non-null A list of the subscription contract's orders.
- Anchor to originOrderorigin•
Order The order from which this contract originated.
- Anchor to revisionIdrevision•
Id UnsignedInt64! non-null The revision id of the contract.
- Anchor to statusstatus•
The current status of the subscription contract.
- Anchor to updatedAtupdated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the subscription contract was updated.
- Anchor to lineCountline•
Count The number of lines associated with the subscription contract. Use
Fields and connections with this object
- Customer.subscriptionContracts
- CustomerPaymentMethod.subscriptionContracts
- LineItem.contract
- SubscriptionBillingAttempt.subscriptionContract
- SubscriptionBillingCycle.sourceContract
- SubscriptionContractConnection.nodes
- SubscriptionContractEdge.node
- SubscriptionDraft.originalContract
- SubscriptionLine.concatenatedOriginContract
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns a Subscription Contract resource by ID.
- •query
List Subscription Contracts.
SubscriptionContract Queries
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Activates a Subscription Contract. Contract status must be either active, paused, or failed.
- •mutation
Creates a Subscription Contract.
- •mutation
Cancels a Subscription Contract.
- •mutation
Expires a Subscription Contract.
- •mutation
Fails a Subscription Contract.
- •mutation
Pauses a Subscription Contract.
- •mutation
Allows for the easy change of a Product in a Contract or a Product price change.
- •mutation
Sets the next billing date of a Subscription Contract. This field is managed by the apps. Alternatively you can utilize our Billing Cycles APIs, which provide auto-computed billing dates and additional functionalities.
- •mutation
Commits the updates of a Subscription Contract draft.