Inventory items snapshot table

The inventory items snapshot table contains information about the daily inventory levels of each inventory item. Inventory items are an upcoming part of the Shopify API. For now, you can think of them as product variants.

This table has one row per inventory item for each day that an inventory item exists. A row is created each day regardless of whether there is a change in an item's inventory.

You can look in the inventory adjustments table to get details about why the inventory levels changed.

Column Data type Description
inventory_item_id numeric ID of the inventory item. This column is the primary key for this table.
product_id numeric ID of the product. This column is a foreign key reference to the product_id column in products table.
product_variant_id numeric ID of the product variant that is associated with the inventory item. This column is a foreign key reference to the product_variant_id column in product variants table.
shop_id numeric ID of the store. This column is a foreign key reference to the shop_id column in the shops table.
quantity_start_of_day numeric Inventory quantity at the start of the snapshot date.
quantity_end_of_day numeric Inventory quantity at the end of the snapshot date.
snapshot_date timestamp Date (ISO 8601) and time (UTC) of the snapshot. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (for example, 2016-02-05 00:00:00).