Order attribution interactions

The order attribution interactions table contains data about the marketing campaigns that get customers to visit your store and to create orders. You can examine this data by using an attribution model that makes sense for your products and business. For example, you can create queries that measure the success of your campaigns against both a last click and a first click attribution models to view which activities are effective at getting people to visit your site and create orders.

This table tracks customer visits to your store that lead up to and result in orders. It does not track all visits that are made to your store. That information can be found in the online store sessions table. For an order to be attributed to a marketing campaign, your campaign links need to use Urchin Traffic Module (UTM), parameters.

Each row in this table tracks an order attribution interaction. An interaction is either a customer visit where a customer creates an order or a visit that leads up to the order creation visit. You can use the order_id column to group these interactions by orders.

Data in this table is available from April, 2017 and onwards.