Addresses table

The addresses table contains the billing and shipping addresses of customers. You can join this table with the sales table to generate lists of the billing and shipping addresses. Customers can enter their addresses more than once, so the same address can appear in more than one row in this table. This table contains one row per customer address.

Column Data type Description
address_id numeric The unique identifier for the address. This column is the primary key for the addresses table.
shop_id numeric The ID of the store. This column is a foreign key reference to the shop_id column in the shops table.
first_name varchar First name of the customer.
last_name varchar Last name of the customer.
address1 varchar The first address line. For example, 150 Elgin St.
address2 varchar The second address line. For example, Suite 800.
company varchar The name of the customer's business, if one exists.
city varchar The name of the city. For example, Ottawa.
region varchar The name of the region, such as a province or state, where the customer is located. For example, Ontario or New York. This column is the same as CustomerAddress.province in the Admin API.
zip varchar The ZIP or postal code. For example, 90210.
country varchar The full name of the country. For example, Canada.
phone varchar The phone number of the customer.

The following SQL query returns total sales by shipping and billing countries: