FulfillmentGroup object

A group of one or more items to be fulfilled together.


  • deliveryAddress (MailingAddress)

    The delivery address for the fulfillment group.

  • handle (Handle!)

    The fulfillment group handle.

  • inventoryLocationHandles ([Handle!]!)

    A list of inventory location handles for the fulfillment group.

  • lines ([CartLine!]!)

    A list of lines containing information about the items that are part of the fulfillment group.

Types that return FulfillmentGroup

Deprecated fields

  • deliveryGroup (CartDeliveryGroup!) deprecated

    The delivery group for the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use deliveryAddress instead.

  • id (ID!) deprecated

    The ID of the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use handle instead.

A group of one or more items to be fulfilled together.


  • deliveryAddress (MailingAddress)

    The delivery address for the fulfillment group.

  • handle (Handle!)

    The fulfillment group handle.

  • inventoryLocationHandles ([Handle!]!)

    A list of inventory location handles for the fulfillment group.

  • lines ([CartLine!]!)

    A list of lines containing information about the items that are part of the fulfillment group.

Types that return FulfillmentGroup

Deprecated fields

  • deliveryGroup (CartDeliveryGroup!) deprecated

    The delivery group for the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use deliveryAddress instead.

  • id (ID!) deprecated

    The ID of the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use handle instead.

A group of one or more items to be fulfilled together.


  • deliveryAddress (MailingAddress)

    The delivery address for the fulfillment group.

  • handle (Handle!)

    The fulfillment group handle.

  • inventoryLocationHandles ([Handle!]!)

    A list of inventory location handles for the fulfillment group.

  • lines ([CartLine!]!)

    A list of lines containing information about the items that are part of the fulfillment group.

Types that return FulfillmentGroup

Deprecated fields

  • deliveryGroup (CartDeliveryGroup!) deprecated

    The delivery group for the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use deliveryAddress instead.

  • id (ID!) deprecated

    The ID of the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use handle instead.

A group of one or more items to be fulfilled together.


  • deliveryAddress (MailingAddress)

    The delivery address for the fulfillment group.

  • handle (Handle!)

    The fulfillment group handle.

  • inventoryLocationHandles ([Handle!]!)

    A list of inventory location handles for the fulfillment group.

Types that return FulfillmentGroup

Deprecated fields

  • deliveryGroup (CartDeliveryGroup!) deprecated

    The delivery group for the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use deliveryAddress instead.

  • id (ID!) deprecated

    The ID of the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use handle instead.

A group of one or more items to be fulfilled together.


  • deliveryAddress (MailingAddress)

    The delivery address for the fulfillment group.

  • handle (Handle!)

    The fulfillment group handle.

  • inventoryLocationHandles ([Handle!]!)

    A list of inventory location handles for the fulfillment group.

Types that return FulfillmentGroup

Deprecated fields

  • deliveryGroup (CartDeliveryGroup!) deprecated

    The delivery group for the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use deliveryAddress instead.

  • id (ID!) deprecated

    The ID of the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use handle instead.

A group of one or more items to be fulfilled together.


  • handle (Handle!)

    The fulfillment group handle.

  • inventoryLocationHandles ([Handle!]!)

    A list of inventory location handles for the fulfillment group.

Types that return FulfillmentGroup

Deprecated fields

  • deliveryGroup (CartDeliveryGroup!) deprecated

    The delivery group for the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use deliveryAddress instead.

  • id (ID!) deprecated

    The ID of the fulfillment group.

    Deprecation warning

    Use handle instead.