The input fields to create an article.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to authorauthor•Author
Input! required The name of the author of the article.
- Anchor to blogIdblog•
Id The ID of the blog containing the article.
- Anchor to bodybody•
The text of the article's body, complete with HTML markup.
- Anchor to handlehandle•
A unique, human-friendly string for the article that's automatically generated from the article's title. The handle is used in the article's URL.
- Anchor to imageimage•
The image associated with the article.
- Anchor to isPublishedis•
Published Whether or not the article should be visible.
- Anchor to metafieldsmetafields•
The input fields to create or update a metafield.
- Anchor to publishDatepublish•
Date The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the article should become visible.
- Anchor to summarysummary•
A summary of the article, which can include HTML markup. The summary is used by the online store theme to display the article on other pages, such as the home page or the main blog page.
- Anchor to tagstags•
A comma-separated list of tags. Tags are additional short descriptors formatted as a string of comma-separated values.
- Anchor to templateSuffixtemplate•
Suffix The suffix of the template that's used to render the page. If the value is an empty string or
, then the default article template is used.- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The title of the article.