Anchor to BuyerExperienceConfigurationInputBuyer
The input fields specifying the behavior of checkout for a B2B buyer.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to checkoutToDraftcheckout•
To Draft Whether to checkout to draft order for merchant review.
- Anchor to depositdeposit•
The input fields configuring the deposit a B2B buyer.
- Anchor to editableShippingAddresseditable•
Shipping Address Whether to allow customers to edit their shipping address at checkout.
- Anchor to paymentTermsTemplateIdpayment•
Terms Template Id Represents the merchant configured payment terms.
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Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input
- Anchor to CompanyLocationInput.buyerExperienceConfigurationCompany•
Location Input.buyer Experience Configuration INPUT OBJECT The configuration for the buyer's checkout at the company location.
- Anchor to CompanyLocationUpdateInput.buyerExperienceConfigurationCompany•
Location Update Input.buyer Experience Configuration INPUT OBJECT The configuration for the buyer's checkout at the company location.
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