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Anchor to CompanyLocationInput



The input fields for company location when creating or updating a company location.


The input fields to create or update the billing address for a company location.

Anchor to billingSameAsShippingbillingSameAsShipping

Whether the billing address is the same as the shipping address. If the value is true, then the input for billingAddress is ignored.

Anchor to buyerExperienceConfigurationbuyerExperienceConfiguration

The configuration for the buyer's checkout at the company location.


A unique externally-supplied ID for the company location.


The preferred locale of the company location.


The name of the company location.


A note about the company location.


The phone number of the company location.


The input fields to create or update the shipping address for a company location.


Whether the location is exempt from taxes.


The list of tax exemptions to apply to the company location.


The tax registration ID of the company location.

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Anchor to Mutations using this inputMutations using this input

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Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input


The attributes for the company location.

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