The input fields for company location when creating or updating a company location.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to billingAddressbilling•
Address The input fields to create or update the billing address for a company location.
- Anchor to billingSameAsShippingbilling•
Same As Shipping Whether the billing address is the same as the shipping address. If the value is true, then the input for
is ignored.
- Anchor to buyerExperienceConfigurationbuyer•
Experience Configuration The configuration for the buyer's checkout at the company location.
- Anchor to externalIdexternal•
Id A unique externally-supplied ID for the company location.
- Anchor to localelocale•
The preferred locale of the company location.
- Anchor to namename•
The name of the company location.
- Anchor to notenote•
A note about the company location.
- Anchor to phonephone•
The phone number of the company location.
- Anchor to shippingAddressshipping•
Address The input fields to create or update the shipping address for a company location.
- Anchor to taxExempttax•
Exempt Whether the location is exempt from taxes.
- Anchor to taxExemptionstax•
Exemptions The list of tax exemptions to apply to the company location.
- Anchor to taxRegistrationIdtax•
Registration Id The tax registration ID of the company location.
Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input
The attributes for the company location.