Requires access scope.
The Product
object lets you manage products in a merchant’s store.
Products are the goods and services that merchants offer to customers. They can include various details such as title, description, price, images, and options such as size or color. You can use product variants to create or update different versions of the same product. You can also add or update product media. Products can be organized by grouping them into a collection.
Learn more about working with Shopify's product model, including limitations and considerations.
Anchor to Fields and connectionsFields and connections
- Anchor to availablePublicationsCountavailable•
Publications Count The number of publications that a resource is published to, without feedback errors.
- Anchor to bundleComponentsbundle•
Components A list of components that are associated with a product in a bundle.
- Anchor to categorycategory•
The category of a product from Shopify's Standard Product Taxonomy.
- Anchor to collectionscollections•Collection
Connection! non-null A list of collections that include the product.
- Anchor to combinedListingcombined•
Listing A special product type that combines separate products from a store into a single product listing. Combined listings are connected by a shared option, such as color, model, or dimension.
- Anchor to combinedListingRolecombined•
Listing Role The role of the product in a combined listing.
, then the product isn't part of any combined listing.- Anchor to compareAtPriceRangecompare•
At Price Range The compare-at price range of the product in the shop's default currency.
- Anchor to contextualPricingcontextual•
Pricing ProductContextual non-nullPricing! The pricing that applies to a customer in a specific context. For example, a price might vary depending on the customer's location. As of API version 2025-04, only active markets are considered in the price resolution.
- Anchor to createdAtcreated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the product was created.
- Anchor to defaultCursordefault•
Cursor String!non-null A default cursor that returns the single next record, sorted ascending by ID.
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•String!non-null
A single-line description of the product, with HTML tags removed.
- Anchor to descriptionHtmldescription•
Html HTML!non-null The description of the product, with HTML tags. For example, the description might include bold
and italic<i></i>
text.- Anchor to eventsevents•Event
Connection! non-null The paginated list of events associated with the host subject.
- Anchor to featuredMediafeatured•
Media The featured media associated with the product.
- Anchor to feedbackfeedback•
The information that lets merchants know what steps they need to take to make sure that the app is set up correctly.
For example, if a merchant hasn't set up a product correctly in the app, then the feedback might include a message that says "You need to add a price to this product".
- Anchor to giftCardTemplateSuffixgift•
Card Template Suffix The theme template that's used when customers view the gift card in a store.
- Anchor to handlehandle•String!non-null
A unique, human-readable string of the product's title. A handle can contain letters, hyphens (
), and numbers, but no spaces. The handle is used in the online store URL for the product.- Anchor to hasOnlyDefaultVarianthas•
Only Default Variant Boolean!non-null Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value.
- Anchor to hasOutOfStockVariantshas•
Out Of Stock Variants Boolean!non-null Whether the product has variants that are out of stock.
- Anchor to hasVariantsThatRequiresComponentshas•
Variants That Requires Components Boolean!non-null Whether at least one of the product variants requires bundle components.
Learn more about store eligibility for bundles.
- •ID!non-null
A globally-unique ID.
- Anchor to inCollectionin•
Collection Boolean!non-null Whether the product is in a specified collection.
- Anchor to isGiftCardis•
Gift Card Boolean!non-null Whether the product is a gift card.
- Anchor to legacyResourceIdlegacy•
Resource Id UnsignedInt64! non-null The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API.
- Anchor to mediamedia•Media
Connection! non-null The media associated with the product. Valid media are images, 3D models, videos.
- Anchor to mediaCountmedia•
Count The total count of media that's associated with a product.
- Anchor to metafieldmetafield•
A custom field, including its
, that's associated with a Shopify resource for the purposes of adding and storing additional information.- Anchor to metafieldsmetafields•Metafield
Connection! non-null A list of custom fields that a merchant associates with a Shopify resource.
- Anchor to onlineStorePreviewUrlonline•
Store Preview Url The preview URL for the online store.
- Anchor to onlineStoreUrlonline•
Store Url The product's URL on the online store. If
, then the product isn't published to the online store sales channel.- Anchor to optionsoptions•[Product
Option!]! non-null A list of product options. The limit is defined by the shop's resource limits for product options (
- Anchor to priceRangeV2price•
Range V2 ProductPrice non-nullRange V2! The minimum and maximum prices of a product, expressed in decimal numbers. For example, if the product is priced between $10.00 and $50.00, then the price range is $10.00 - $50.00.
- Anchor to productTypeproduct•
Type String!non-null The product type that merchants define.
- Anchor to publishedAtpublished•
At The date and time when the product was published to the online store.
- Anchor to publishedInContextpublished•
In Context Boolean!non-null Whether the product is published for a customer only in a specified context. For example, a product might be published for a customer only in a specific location.
- Anchor to publishedOnCurrentPublicationpublished•
On Current Publication Boolean!non-null Whether the resource is published to the app's publication. For example, the resource might be published to the app's online store channel.
- Anchor to publishedOnPublicationpublished•
On Publication Boolean!non-null Whether the resource is published to a specified publication.
- Anchor to requiresSellingPlanrequires•
Selling Plan Boolean!non-null Whether the product can only be purchased with a selling plan. Products that are sold on subscription (
) can be updated only for online stores. If you update a product to be subscription-only (
), then the product is unpublished from all channels, except the online store.
- Anchor to resourcePublicationOnCurrentPublicationresource•
Publication On Current Publication The resource that's either published or staged to be published to the publication.
- Anchor to resourcePublicationsresource•
Publications ResourcePublication non-nullConnection! The list of resources that are published to a publication.
- Anchor to resourcePublicationsCountresource•
Publications Count The number of publications that a resource is published to, without feedback errors.
- Anchor to resourcePublicationsV2resource•
Publications V2 ResourcePublication non-nullV2Connection! The list of resources that are either published or staged to be published to a publication.
- Anchor to restrictedForResourcerestricted•
For Resource Whether the merchant can make changes to the product when they edit the order associated with the product. For example, a merchant might be restricted from changing product details when they edit an order.
- Anchor to sellingPlanGroupsselling•
Plan Groups SellingPlan non-nullGroup Connection! A list of all selling plan groups that are associated with the product either directly, or through the product's variants.
- Anchor to sellingPlanGroupsCountselling•
Plan Groups Count A count of selling plan groups that are associated with the product.
- •SEO!non-null
The SEO title and description that are associated with a product.
- Anchor to statusstatus•Product
Status! non-null The product status, which controls visibility across all sales channels.
- Anchor to tagstags•[String!]!non-null
A comma-separated list of searchable keywords that are associated with the product. For example, a merchant might apply the
tags to products that are associated with sportwear for summer.Updating
overwrites any existing tags that were previously added to the product. To add new tags without overwriting existing tags, use themutation.
- Anchor to templateSuffixtemplate•
Suffix The theme template that's used when customers view the product in a store.
- Anchor to titletitle•String!non-null
The name for the product that displays to customers. The title is used to construct the product's handle. For example, if a product is titled "Black Sunglasses", then the handle is
.- Anchor to totalInventorytotal•
Inventory Int!non-null The quantity of inventory that's in stock.
- Anchor to tracksInventorytracks•
Inventory Boolean!non-null Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product.
- Anchor to translationstranslations•[Translation!]!non-null
The published translations associated with the resource.
- Anchor to unpublishedPublicationsunpublished•
Publications PublicationConnection! non-null The list of publications that the resource isn't published to.
- Anchor to updatedAtupdated•
At DateTime! non-null The date and time when the product was last modified. A product's
value can change for different reasons. For example, if an order is placed for a product that has inventory tracking set up, then the inventory adjustment is counted as an update.
- Anchor to variantsvariants•Product
Variant non-nullConnection! A list of variants associated with the product. If querying a single product at the root, you can fetch up to 2000 variants.
- Anchor to variantsCountvariants•
Count The number of variants that are associated with the product.
- Anchor to vendorvendor•String!non-null
The name of the product's vendor.
Fields and connections with this object
- AbandonedCheckoutLineItem.product
- CalculatedDraftOrderLineItem.product
- Channel.products
- Collection.products
- CombinedListing.parentProduct
- CombinedListingChild.product
- CustomerVisitProductInfo.product
- DeliveryProfileItem.product
- DiscountProducts.products
- DraftOrderLineItem.product
- LineItem.product
- PriceRuleItemEntitlements.products
- PriceRuleLineItemPrerequisites.products
- ProductBundleComponent.componentProduct
- ProductBundleOperation.product
- ProductConnection.nodes
- ProductDeleteOperation.product
- ProductDuplicateOperation.newProduct
- ProductDuplicateOperation.product
- ProductEdge.node
- ProductOperation.product
- ProductPublication.product
- ProductSetOperation.product
- ProductVariant.product
- Publication.products
- SellingPlanGroup.products
Possible type in
Anchor to QueriesQueries
- •query
Returns a Product resource by ID.
- •query
Return a product by an identifier.
- •query
Returns a list of products.
- •queryDeprecated
Return a product by its handle. Use
Product Queries
Queried by
Anchor to MutationsMutations
- •mutation
Add, remove and update
s of a given Product.
s are comprised of multiple products to create a single listing. There are two kinds of products used in a
- Parent products
- Child products
The parent product is created with a
with a
. Once created, you can associate child products with the parent product using this mutation. Parent products represent the idea of a product (e.g. Shoe).
Child products represent a particular option value (or combination of option values) of a parent product. For instance, with your Shoe parent product, you may have several child products representing specific colors of the shoe (e.g. Shoe - Blue). You could also have child products representing more than a single option (e.g. Shoe - Blue/Canvas, Shoe - Blue/Leather, etc...).
The combined listing is the association of parent product to one or more child products.
Learn more about Combined Listings.
- •mutation
Updates the fixed prices for all variants for a product on a price list. You can use the
mutation to set or remove a fixed price for all variants of a product associated with the price list.
- •mutation
Creates a product with attributes such as title, description, and vendor. You can use the
mutation to define options and values for products with product variants, such as different sizes or colors.
To create multiple product variants for a single product and manage prices, use the
To create or update a product in a single request, use the
Learn more about the product model and adding product data.
- •mutation
Duplicates a product.
If you need to duplicate a large product, such as one that has many variants that are active at several locations, you might encounter timeout errors.
To avoid these timeout errors, you can instead duplicate the product asynchronously.
In API version 2024-10 and higher, include
synchronous: false
argument in this mutation to perform the duplication asynchronously.In API version 2024-07 and lower, use the asynchronous
Metafield values are not duplicated if the unique values capability is enabled.
- •mutation
Adds multiple selling plan groups to a product.
- •mutation
Removes multiple groups from a product.
- •mutation
Creates options on a product.
- •mutation
Deletes the specified options.
- •mutation
Reorders options and option values on a product, causing product variants to alter their position.
Options order take precedence over option values order. Depending on the existing product variants, some input orders might not be achieved.
Example: Existing product variants: ["Red / Small", "Green / Medium", "Blue / Small"].
New order: [ { name: "Size", values: [{ name: "Small" }, { name: "Medium" }], name: "Color", values: [{ name: "Green" }, { name: "Red" }, { name: "Blue" }] } ].
Description: Variants with "Green" value are expected to appear before variants with "Red" and "Blue" values. However, "Size" option appears before "Color".
Therefore, output will be: ["Small / "Red", "Small / Blue", "Medium / Green"].
- •mutation
Updates a product option.
- •mutation
Creates or updates a product in a single request.
Use this mutation when syncing information from an external data source into Shopify.
When using this mutation to update a product, specify that product's
in the input.Any list field (e.g. collections, metafields, variants) will be updated so that all included entries are either created or updated, and all existing entries not included will be deleted.
All other fields will be updated to the value passed. Omitted fields will not be updated.
When run in synchronous mode, you will get the product back in the response. For versions
and earlier, the synchronous mode has an input limit of 100 variants. This limit has been removed for versions2024-07
and later.In asynchronous mode, you will instead get a ProductSetOperation object back. You can then use the productOperation query to retrieve the updated product data. This query uses the
object to check the status of the operation and to retrieve the details of the updated product and its variants.
If you need to update a subset of variants, use one of the bulk variant mutations:
If you need to update options, use one of the product option mutations:
See our guide to sync product data from an external source for more.
- •mutation
Updates a product.
For versions
and older: If you update a product and only include some variants in the update, then any variants not included will be deleted.To safely manage variants without the risk of deleting excluded variants, use productVariantsBulkUpdate.
If you want to update a single variant, then use productVariantUpdate.
- •mutation
Appends media from a product to variants of the product.
- •mutation
Detaches media from product variants.
- •mutation
Creates multiple variants in a single product. This mutation can be called directly or via the bulkOperation.
- •mutation
Deletes multiple variants in a single product. This mutation can be called directly or via the bulkOperation.
- •mutation
Reorders multiple variants in a single product. This mutation can be called directly or via the bulkOperation.
- •mutation
Updates multiple variants in a single product. This mutation can be called directly or via the bulkOperation.
Product Mutations
Mutated by
- combined
Listing Update - price
List Fixed Prices By Product Update - product
Create - product
Duplicate - product
Join Selling Plan Groups - product
Leave Selling Plan Groups - product
Option Update - product
Options Create - product
Options Delete - product
Options Reorder - product
Set - product
Update - product
Variant Append Media - product
Variant Detach Media - product
Variants Bulk Create - product
Variants Bulk Delete - product
Variants Bulk Reorder - product
Variants Bulk Update
Anchor to InterfacesInterfaces
- •interface
- •interface
- •interface
- •interface
- •interface