The available options for transforming an image.
All transformation options are considered best effort. Any transformation that the original image type doesn't support will be ignored.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to cropcrop•
The region of the image to remain after cropping. Must be used in conjunction with the
fields, where the
aren't equal. The
argument should coincide with the smaller value. A smallerindicates a
crop, while a smaller
indicates a
crop. For example,
will result in an image with a width of 5 and height of 10, where the right side of the image is removed.
- Anchor to maxHeightmax•
Height Image height in pixels between 1 and 5760.
- Anchor to maxWidthmax•
Width Image width in pixels between 1 and 5760.
- Anchor to preferredContentTypepreferred•
Content Type Convert the source image into the preferred content type. Supported conversions:
, any file type to.jpg
, and any file type to.webp
.- Anchor to scalescale•IntDefault:1
Image size multiplier for high-resolution retina displays. Must be within 1..3.
No referencing types