Anchor to DeliveryParticipantInputDelivery
The input fields for a participant.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to adaptToNewServicesadapt•
To New Services Whether to automatically display new shipping services to the customer when a service becomes available.
- Anchor to carrierServiceIdcarrier•
Service Id The ID of the carrier service for this participant.
- Anchor to fixedFeefixed•
Fee The fixed feed that's defined by the merchant for this participant.
- •
The ID of the participant.
- Anchor to participantServicesparticipant•
Services The list of shipping services offered by the participant.
- Anchor to percentageOfRateFeepercentage•
Of Rate Fee The merchant-defined percentage-of-rate fee for this participant.
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Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input
A participant to apply to the method definition.
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