The input fields for a method definition.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to activeactive•
Whether to use this method definition during rate calculation.
- Anchor to conditionsToUpdateconditions•
To Update A list of conditions to update on the method definition.
- Anchor to descriptiondescription•
The description of the method definition.
- •
A globally-unique ID of the method definition. Use only when updating a method definiton.
- Anchor to namename•
The name of the method definition.
- Anchor to participantparticipant•
A participant to apply to the method definition.
- Anchor to priceConditionsToCreateprice•
Conditions To Create A list of price conditions on the method definition.
- Anchor to rateDefinitionrate•
Definition A rate definition to apply to the method definition.
- Anchor to weightConditionsToCreateweight•
Conditions To Create A list of weight conditions on the method definition.
Anchor to Input objects using this inputInput objects using this input
- Anchor to DeliveryLocationGroupZoneInput.methodDefinitionsToCreateDelivery•
Location Group Zone Input.method Definitions To Create INPUT OBJECT A list of method definitions to create.
- Anchor to DeliveryLocationGroupZoneInput.methodDefinitionsToUpdateDelivery•
Location Group Zone Input.method Definitions To Update INPUT OBJECT A list of method definitions to update.