The input fields for creating or updating a code discount, where the discount type is provided by an app extension that uses Shopify Functions.
Use these input fields when you need advanced or custom discount capabilities that aren't supported by Shopify's native discount types.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to appliesOncePerCustomerapplies•
Once Per Customer Whether a customer can only use the discount once.
- Anchor to appliesOnOneTimePurchaseapplies•
On One Time Purchase BooleanDefault:true Whether the discount applies on regular one-time-purchase items.
- Anchor to appliesOnSubscriptionapplies•
On Subscription BooleanDefault:false Whether the discount applies to subscriptions items.
- Anchor to codecode•
The code that customers use to apply the discount.
- Anchor to combinesWithcombines•
With The discount classes that you can use in combination with Shopify discount types.
- Anchor to customerSelectioncustomer•
Selection The customers that can use the discount.
- Anchor to endsAtends•
At The date and time when the discount expires and is no longer available to customers. For discounts without a fixed expiration date, specify
.- Anchor to functionIdfunction•
Id The function ID associated with the app extension that's providing the discount type.
- Anchor to metafieldsmetafields•[Metafield
Input!] Default:[] Additional metafields to associate to the discount. Metafields provide dynamic function configuration with different parameters, such as
for a percentage discount. Merchants can set metafield values in the Shopify admin, which makes the discount function more flexible and customizable.- Anchor to recurringCycleLimitrecurring•
Cycle Limit IntDefault:1 The number of times a discount applies on recurring purchases (subscriptions). 0 will apply infinitely whereas 1 will only apply to the first checkout.
- Anchor to startsAtstarts•
At The date and time when the discount becomes active and is available to customers.
- Anchor to titletitle•
The discount's name that displays to merchants in the Shopify admin and to customers.
- Anchor to usageLimitusage•
Limit The maximum number of times that a customer can use the discount. For discounts with unlimited usage, specify