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Anchor to DiscountCodeFreeShippingInput



The input fields for creating or updating a free shipping discount that's applied on a cart and at checkout when a customer enters a code.

Anchor to appliesOncePerCustomerappliesOncePerCustomer

Whether a customer can only use the discount once.

Anchor to appliesOnOneTimePurchaseappliesOnOneTimePurchase

Whether the discount applies on one-time purchases. A one-time purchase is a transaction where you pay a single time for a product, without any ongoing commitments or recurring charges.

Anchor to appliesOnSubscriptionappliesOnSubscription

Whether the discount applies on subscription items. Subscriptions enable customers to purchase products on a recurring basis.


The code that customers use to apply the discount.


The discount classes that you can use in combination with the shipping discount.


The customers that can use the discount.


The shipping destinations where the free shipping discount can be applied. You can specify whether the discount applies to all countries, or specify individual countries.


The date and time when the discount expires and is no longer available to customers. For discounts without a fixed expiration date, specify null.

Anchor to maximumShippingPricemaximumShippingPrice

The maximum shipping price, in the shop's currency, that qualifies for free shipping.

For example, if set to 20.00, then only shipping rates that cost $20.00 or less will be made free. To apply the discount to all shipping rates, specify null.


The minimum subtotal or quantity of items that are required for the discount to be applied.


The number of billing cycles for which the discount can be applied, which is useful for subscription-based discounts.

For example, if set to 3, then the discount only applies to the first three billing cycles of a subscription. If set to 0, then the discount applies indefinitely.


The date and time when the discount becomes active and is available to customers.


The discount's name that displays to merchants in the Shopify admin and to customers.


The maximum number of times that a customer can use the discount. For discounts with unlimited usage, specify null.

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