The input fields for creating or updating a free shipping discount that's automatically applied on a cart and at checkout.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to appliesOnOneTimePurchaseapplies•
On One Time Purchase BooleanDefault:true Whether the discount applies on regular one-time-purchase items.
- Anchor to appliesOnSubscriptionapplies•
On Subscription BooleanDefault:false Whether the discount applies on subscription items. Subscriptions enable customers to purchase products on a recurring basis.
- Anchor to combinesWithcombines•
With The discount classes that you can use in combination with the shipping discount.
- Anchor to destinationdestination•
A list of destinations where the discount will apply.
- Anchor to endsAtends•
At The date and time when the discount expires and is no longer available to customers. For discounts without a fixed expiration date, specify
.- Anchor to maximumShippingPricemaximum•
Shipping Price The maximum shipping price that qualifies for the discount.
- Anchor to minimumRequirementminimum•
Requirement The minimum subtotal or quantity of items that are required for the discount to be applied.
- Anchor to recurringCycleLimitrecurring•
Cycle Limit The number of billing cycles for which the discount can be applied, which is useful for subscription-based discounts. For example, if you set this field to
, then the discount only applies to the first three billing cycles of a subscription. If you specify0
, then the discount applies indefinitely.- Anchor to startsAtstarts•
At The date and time when the discount becomes active and is available to customers.
- Anchor to titletitle•
The discount's name that displays to merchants in the Shopify admin and to customers.