The input fields for creating or updating a buy X get Y discount (BXGY) that's applied on a cart and at checkout when a customer enters a code.
Anchor to FieldsFields
- Anchor to appliesOncePerCustomerapplies•
Once Per Customer Whether a customer can only use the discount once.
- Anchor to codecode•
The code that customers use to apply the discount.
- Anchor to combinesWithcombines•
With The discount class that you can use in combination with Shopify discount types.
- Anchor to customerBuyscustomer•
Buys The items eligible for the discount and the required quantity of each to receive the discount.
- Anchor to customerGetscustomer•
Gets The items in the order that qualify for the discount, their quantities, and the total value of the discount.
- Anchor to customerSelectioncustomer•
Selection The customers that can use the discount.
- Anchor to endsAtends•
At The date and time when the discount expires and is no longer available to customers. For discounts without a fixed expiration date, specify
.- Anchor to startsAtstarts•
At The date and time when the discount becomes active and is available to customers.
- Anchor to titletitle•
The discount's name that displays to merchants in the Shopify admin and to customers.
- Anchor to usageLimitusage•
Limit The maximum number of times that a customer can use the discount. For discounts with unlimited usage, specify
.- Anchor to usesPerOrderLimituses•
Per Order Limit The maximum number of times that the discount can be applied to an order.